SLATEC Common Mathematical Library -- Table of Contents

SECTION I. User-callable Routines
Category D. Linear Algebra

D1.  Elementary vector and matrix operations
         D1.  Elementary vector and matrix operations
         D2.  Solution of systems of linear equations 
         D3.  Determinants
         D4.  Eigenvalues, eigenvectors
         D5.  QR decomposition, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
         D6.  Singular value decomposition
         D7.  Update matrix decompositions
         D9.  Overdetermined or underdetermined systems of equations, singular systems, pseudo-inverses 

D1A.  Elementary vector operations
D1A2.  Minimum and maximum components
          ISAMAX-S  Find the smallest index of that component of a vector
          IDAMAX-D  having the maximum magnitude.
D1A3.  Norm
D1A3A.  L-1 (sum of magnitudes)
          SASUM-S   Compute the sum of the magnitudes of the elements of a
          DASUM-D   vector.
D1A3B.  L-2 (Euclidean norm)
          SNRM2-S   Compute the Euclidean length (L2 norm) of a vector.
D1A4.  Dot product (inner product)
          CDOTC-C   Dot product of two complex vectors using the complex
                    conjugate of the first vector.
          DQDOTA-D  Compute the inner product of two vectors with extended
                    precision accumulation and result.
          DQDOTI-D  Compute the inner product of two vectors with extended
                    precision accumulation and result.
          DSDOT-D   Compute the inner product of two vectors with extended
          DCDOT-C   precision accumulation and result.
          SDOT-S    Compute the inner product of two vectors.
          SDSDOT-S  Compute the inner product of two vectors with extended
          CDCDOT-C  precision accumulation.
D1A5.  Copy or exchange (swap)
          ICOPY-S   Copy a vector.
          SCOPY-S   Copy a vector.
          SCOPYM-S  Copy the negative of a vector to a vector.
          SSWAP-S   Interchange two vectors.
D1A6.  Multiplication by scalar
          CSSCAL-C  Scale a complex vector.
          SSCAL-S   Multiply a vector by a constant.
D1A7.  Triad (a*x+y for vectors x,y and scalar a)
          SAXPY-S   Compute a constant times a vector plus a vector.
D1A8.  Elementary rotation (Givens transformation)
          SROT-S    Apply a plane Givens rotation.
          SROTM-S   Apply a modified Givens transformation.
D1B.  Elementary matrix operations
D1B4.  Multiplication by vector
          CHPR-C    Perform the hermitian rank 1 operation.
          DGER-D    Perform the rank 1 operation.
          DSPR-D    Perform the symmetric rank 1 operation.
          DSYR-D    Perform the symmetric rank 1 operation.
          SGBMV-S   Multiply a real vector by a real general band matrix.
          SGEMV-S   Multiply a real vector by a real general matrix.
          SGER-S    Perform rank 1 update of a real general matrix.
          CGERC-C   Perform conjugated rank 1 update of a complex general
          SGERC-S   matrix.
          CGERU-C   Perform unconjugated rank 1 update of a complex general
          SGERU-S   matrix.
          CHBMV-C   Multiply a complex vector by a complex Hermitian band
          SHBMV-S   matrix.
          CHEMV-C   Multiply a complex vector by a complex Hermitian matrix.
          CHER-C    Perform Hermitian rank 1 update of a complex Hermitian
          SHER-S    matrix.
          CHER2-C   Perform Hermitian rank 2 update of a complex Hermitian
          SHER2-S   matrix.
          CHPMV-C   Perform the matrix-vector operation.
          CHPR2-C   Perform the hermitian rank 2 operation.
          SSBMV-S   Multiply a real vector by a real symmetric band matrix.
          SSDI-S    Diagonal Matrix Vector Multiply.
          DSDI-D    Routine to calculate the product  X = DIAG*B, where DIAG
                    is a diagonal matrix.
          SSMTV-S   SLAP Column Format Sparse Matrix Transpose Vector Product.
          DSMTV-D   Routine to calculate the sparse matrix vector product:
                    Y = A'*X, where ' denotes transpose.
          SSMV-S    SLAP Column Format Sparse Matrix Vector Product.
          DSMV-D    Routine to calculate the sparse matrix vector product:
                    Y = A*X.
          SSPMV-S   Perform the matrix-vector operation.
          SSPR-S    Performs the symmetric rank 1 operation.
          SSPR2-S   Perform the symmetric rank 2 operation.
          SSYMV-S   Multiply a real vector by a real symmetric matrix.
          SSYR-S    Perform symmetric rank 1 update of a real symmetric matrix.
          SSYR2-S   Perform symmetric rank 2 update of a real symmetric matrix.
          STBMV-S   Multiply a real vector by a real triangular band matrix.
          STBSV-S   Solve a real triangular banded system of linear equations.
          STPMV-S   Perform one of the matrix-vector operations.
          STPSV-S   Solve one of the systems of equations.
          STRMV-S   Multiply a real vector by a real triangular matrix.
          STRSV-S   Solve a real triangular system of linear equations.
D1B6.  Multiplication
          SGEMM-S   Multiply a real general matrix by a real general matrix.
          CHEMM-C   Multiply a complex general matrix by a complex Hermitian
          SHEMM-S   matrix.
          CHER2K-C  Perform Hermitian rank 2k update of a complex.
          CHERK-C   Perform Hermitian rank k update of a complex Hermitian
          SHERK-S   matrix.
          SSYMM-S   Multiply a real general matrix by a real symmetric matrix.
          DSYR2K-D  Perform one of the symmetric rank 2k operations.
          SSYRK-S   Perform symmetric rank k update of a real symmetric matrix.
          STRMM-S   Multiply a real general matrix by a real triangular matrix.
          STRSM-S   Solve a real triangular system of equations with multiple
          DTRSM-D   right-hand sides.
D1B9.  Storage mode conversion
          SS2Y-S    SLAP Triad to SLAP Column Format Converter.
          DS2Y-D    Routine to convert from the SLAP Triad to SLAP Column
D1B10.  Elementary rotation (Givens transformation)
          CSROT-C   Apply a plane Givens rotation.
          SROTG-S   Construct a plane Givens rotation.
          SROTMG-S  Construct a modified Givens transformation.
D2.  Solution of systems of linear equations (including inversion, LU and
     related decompositions)
D2A.  Real nonsymmetric matrices
D2A1.  General
          SGECO-S   Factor a matrix using Gaussian elimination and estimate
          DGECO-D   the condition number of the matrix.
          SGEDI-S   Compute the determinant and inverse of a matrix using the
          DGEDI-D   factors computed by SGECO or SGEFA.
          SGEFA-S   Factor a matrix using Gaussian elimination.
          SGEFS-S   Solve a general system of linear equations.
          SGEIR-S   Solve a general system of linear equations.  Iterative
          CGEIR-C   refinement is used to obtain an error estimate.
          SGESL-S   Solve the real system A*X=B or TRANS(A)*X=B using the
          DGESL-D   factors of SGECO or SGEFA.
          SQRSL-S   Apply the output of SQRDC to compute coordinate transfor-
          DQRSL-D   mations, projections, and least squares solutions.
D2A2.  Banded
          SGBCO-S   Factor a band matrix by Gaussian elimination and
          DGBCO-D   estimate the condition number of the matrix.
          SGBFA-S   Factor a band matrix using Gaussian elimination.
          SGBSL-S   Solve the real band system A*X=B or TRANS(A)*X=B using
          DGBSL-D   the factors computed by SGBCO or SGBFA.
          SNBCO-S   Factor a band matrix using Gaussian elimination and
          DNBCO-D   estimate the condition number.
          SNBFA-S   Factor a real band matrix by elimination.
          SNBFS-S   Solve a general nonsymmetric banded system of linear
          DNBFS-D   equations.
          SNBIR-S   Solve a general nonsymmetric banded system of linear
          CNBIR-C   equations.  Iterative refinement is used to obtain an error
          SNBSL-S   Solve a real band system using the factors computed by
          DNBSL-D   SNBCO or SNBFA.
D2A2A.  Tridiagonal
          SGTSL-S   Solve a tridiagonal linear system.
D2A3.  Triangular
          SSLI-S    SLAP MSOLVE for Lower Triangle Matrix.
          DSLI-D    This routine acts as an interface between the SLAP generic
                    MSOLVE calling convention and the routine that actually
                    computes L  B = X.
          SSLI2-S   SLAP Lower Triangle Matrix Backsolve.
          DSLI2-D   Routine to solve a system of the form  Lx = b , where L
                    is a lower triangular matrix.
          STRCO-S   Estimate the condition number of a triangular matrix.
          STRDI-S   Compute the determinant and inverse of a triangular matrix.
          STRSL-S   Solve a system of the form  T*X=B or TRANS(T)*X=B, where
          DTRSL-D   T is a triangular matrix.
D2A4.  Sparse
          SBCG-S    Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient Sparse Ax = b Solver.
          DBCG-D    Routine to solve a Non-Symmetric linear system  Ax = b
                    using the Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient method.
          SCGN-S    Preconditioned CG Sparse Ax=b Solver for Normal Equations.
          DCGN-D    Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using the
                    Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient method applied to the
                    normal equations  AA'y = b, x=A'y.
          SCGS-S    Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient Squared Ax=b Solver.
          DCGS-D    Routine to solve a Non-Symmetric linear system  Ax = b
                    using the Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient Squared
          SGMRES-S  Preconditioned GMRES Iterative Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DGMRES-D  This routine uses the generalized minimum residual
                    (GMRES) method with preconditioning to solve
                    non-symmetric linear systems of the form: Ax = b.
          SIR-S     Preconditioned Iterative Refinement Sparse Ax = b Solver.
          DIR-D     Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    iterative refinement with a matrix splitting.
          SLPDOC-S  Sparse Linear Algebra Package Version 2.0.2 Documentation.
          DLPDOC-D  Routines to solve large sparse symmetric and nonsymmetric
                    positive definite linear systems, Ax = b, using precondi-
                    tioned iterative methods.
          SOMN-S    Preconditioned Orthomin Sparse Iterative Ax=b Solver.
          DOMN-D    Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    the Preconditioned Orthomin method.
          SSDBCG-S  Diagonally Scaled BiConjugate Gradient Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DSDBCG-D  Routine to solve a linear system  Ax = b  using the
                    BiConjugate Gradient method with diagonal scaling.
          SSDCGN-S  Diagonally Scaled CG Sparse Ax=b Solver for Normal Eqn's.
          DSDCGN-D  Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    diagonal scaling with the Conjugate Gradient method
                    applied to the the normal equations, viz.,  AA'y = b,
                    where  x = A'y.
          SSDCGS-S  Diagonally Scaled CGS Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DSDCGS-D  Routine to solve a linear system  Ax = b  using the
                    BiConjugate Gradient Squared method with diagonal scaling.
          SSDGMR-S  Diagonally Scaled GMRES Iterative Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DSDGMR-D  This routine uses the generalized minimum residual
                    (GMRES) method with diagonal scaling to solve possibly
                    non-symmetric linear systems of the form: Ax = b.
          SSDOMN-S  Diagonally Scaled Orthomin Sparse Iterative Ax=b Solver.
          DSDOMN-D  Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    the Orthomin method with diagonal scaling.
          SSGS-S    Gauss-Seidel Method Iterative Sparse Ax = b Solver.
          DSGS-D    Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    Gauss-Seidel iteration.
          SSILUR-S  Incomplete LU Iterative Refinement Sparse Ax = b Solver.
          DSILUR-D  Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    the incomplete LU decomposition with iterative refinement.
          SSJAC-S   Jacobi's Method Iterative Sparse Ax = b Solver.
          DSJAC-D   Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    Jacobi iteration.
          SSLUBC-S  Incomplete LU BiConjugate Gradient Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DSLUBC-D  Routine to solve a linear system  Ax = b  using the
                    BiConjugate Gradient method with Incomplete LU
                    decomposition preconditioning.
          SSLUCN-S  Incomplete LU CG Sparse Ax=b Solver for Normal Equations.
          DSLUCN-D  Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using the
                    incomplete LU decomposition with the Conjugate Gradient
                    method applied to the normal equations, viz.,  AA'y = b,
                    x = A'y.
          SSLUCS-S  Incomplete LU BiConjugate Gradient Squared Ax=b Solver.
          DSLUCS-D  Routine to solve a linear system  Ax = b  using the
                    BiConjugate Gradient Squared method with Incomplete LU
                    decomposition preconditioning.
          SSLUGM-S  Incomplete LU GMRES Iterative Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DSLUGM-D  This routine uses the generalized minimum residual
                    (GMRES) method with incomplete LU factorization for
                    preconditioning to solve possibly non-symmetric linear
                    systems of the form: Ax = b.
          SSLUOM-S  Incomplete LU Orthomin Sparse Iterative Ax=b Solver.
          DSLUOM-D  Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    the Orthomin method with Incomplete LU decomposition.
D2B.  Real symmetric matrices
D2B1.  General
D2B1A.  Indefinite
          SSICO-S   Factor a symmetric matrix by elimination with symmetric
          DSICO-D   pivoting and estimate the condition number of the matrix.
          SSIDI-S   Compute the determinant, inertia and inverse of a real
          DSIDI-D   symmetric matrix using the factors from SSIFA.
          SSIFA-S   Factor a real symmetric matrix by elimination with
          DSIFA-D   symmetric pivoting.
          SSISL-S   Solve a real symmetric system using the factors obtained
          DSISL-D   from SSIFA.
          SSPCO-S   Factor a real symmetric matrix stored in packed form
          DSPCO-D   by elimination with symmetric pivoting and estimate the
          CHPCO-C   condition number of the matrix.
          SSPDI-S   Compute the determinant, inertia, inverse of a real
          DSPDI-D   symmetric matrix stored in packed form using the factors
          CHPDI-C   from SSPFA.
          SSPFA-S   Factor a real symmetric matrix stored in packed form by
          DSPFA-D   elimination with symmetric pivoting.
          SSPSL-S   Solve a real symmetric system using the factors obtained
          DSPSL-D   from SSPFA.
D2B1B.  Positive definite
          SCHDC-S   Compute the Cholesky decomposition of a positive definite
          DCHDC-D   matrix.  A pivoting option allows the user to estimate the
          CCHDC-C   condition number of a positive definite matrix or determine
                    the rank of a positive semidefinite matrix.
          SPOCO-S   Factor a real symmetric positive definite matrix
          DPOCO-D   and estimate the condition number of the matrix.
          SPODI-S   Compute the determinant and inverse of a certain real
          DPODI-D   symmetric positive definite matrix using the factors
          CPODI-C   computed by SPOCO, SPOFA or SQRDC.
          SPOFA-S   Factor a real symmetric positive definite matrix.
          SPOFS-S   Solve a positive definite symmetric system of linear
          DPOFS-D   equations.
          SPOIR-S   Solve a positive definite symmetric system of linear
          CPOIR-C   equations.  Iterative refinement is used to obtain an error
          SPOSL-S   Solve the real symmetric positive definite linear system
          DPOSL-D   using the factors computed by SPOCO or SPOFA.
          SPPCO-S   Factor a symmetric positive definite matrix stored in
          DPPCO-D   packed form and estimate the condition number of the
          CPPCO-C   matrix.
          SPPDI-S   Compute the determinant and inverse of a real symmetric
          DPPDI-D   positive definite matrix using factors from SPPCO or SPPFA.
          SPPFA-S   Factor a real symmetric positive definite matrix stored in
          DPPFA-D   packed form.
          SPPSL-S   Solve the real symmetric positive definite system using
          DPPSL-D   the factors computed by SPPCO or SPPFA.
D2B2.  Positive definite banded
          SPBCO-S   Factor a real symmetric positive definite matrix stored in
          DPBCO-D   band form and estimate the condition number of the matrix.
          SPBFA-S   Factor a real symmetric positive definite matrix stored in
          DPBFA-D   band form.
          SPBSL-S   Solve a real symmetric positive definite band system
          DPBSL-D   using the factors computed by SPBCO or SPBFA.
D2B2A.  Tridiagonal
          SPTSL-S   Solve a positive definite tridiagonal linear system.
D2B4.  Sparse
          SBCG-S    Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient Sparse Ax = b Solver.
          DBCG-D    Routine to solve a Non-Symmetric linear system  Ax = b
                    using the Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient method.
          SCG-S     Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DCG-D     Routine to solve a symmetric positive definite linear
                    system  Ax = b  using the Preconditioned Conjugate
                    Gradient method.
          SCGN-S    Preconditioned CG Sparse Ax=b Solver for Normal Equations.
          DCGN-D    Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using the
                    Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient method applied to the
                    normal equations  AA'y = b, x=A'y.
          SCGS-S    Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient Squared Ax=b Solver.
          DCGS-D    Routine to solve a Non-Symmetric linear system  Ax = b
                    using the Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient Squared
          SGMRES-S  Preconditioned GMRES Iterative Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DGMRES-D  This routine uses the generalized minimum residual
                    (GMRES) method with preconditioning to solve
                    non-symmetric linear systems of the form: Ax = b.
          SIR-S     Preconditioned Iterative Refinement Sparse Ax = b Solver.
          DIR-D     Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    iterative refinement with a matrix splitting.
          SLPDOC-S  Sparse Linear Algebra Package Version 2.0.2 Documentation.
          DLPDOC-D  Routines to solve large sparse symmetric and nonsymmetric
                    positive definite linear systems, Ax = b, using precondi-
                    tioned iterative methods.
          SOMN-S    Preconditioned Orthomin Sparse Iterative Ax=b Solver.
          DOMN-D    Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    the Preconditioned Orthomin method.
          SSDBCG-S  Diagonally Scaled BiConjugate Gradient Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DSDBCG-D  Routine to solve a linear system  Ax = b  using the
                    BiConjugate Gradient method with diagonal scaling.
          SSDCG-S   Diagonally Scaled Conjugate Gradient Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DSDCG-D   Routine to solve a symmetric positive definite linear
                    system  Ax = b  using the Preconditioned Conjugate
                    Gradient method.  The preconditioner is diagonal scaling.
          SSDCGN-S  Diagonally Scaled CG Sparse Ax=b Solver for Normal Eqn's.
          DSDCGN-D  Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    diagonal scaling with the Conjugate Gradient method
                    applied to the the normal equations, viz.,  AA'y = b,
                    where  x = A'y.
          SSDCGS-S  Diagonally Scaled CGS Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DSDCGS-D  Routine to solve a linear system  Ax = b  using the
                    BiConjugate Gradient Squared method with diagonal scaling.
          SSDGMR-S  Diagonally Scaled GMRES Iterative Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DSDGMR-D  This routine uses the generalized minimum residual
                    (GMRES) method with diagonal scaling to solve possibly
                    non-symmetric linear systems of the form: Ax = b.
          SSDOMN-S  Diagonally Scaled Orthomin Sparse Iterative Ax=b Solver.
          DSDOMN-D  Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    the Orthomin method with diagonal scaling.
          SSGS-S    Gauss-Seidel Method Iterative Sparse Ax = b Solver.
          DSGS-D    Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    Gauss-Seidel iteration.
          SSICCG-S  Incomplete Cholesky Conjugate Gradient Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DSICCG-D  Routine to solve a symmetric positive definite linear
                    system  Ax = b  using the incomplete Cholesky
                    Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient method.
          SSILUR-S  Incomplete LU Iterative Refinement Sparse Ax = b Solver.
          DSILUR-D  Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    the incomplete LU decomposition with iterative refinement.
          SSJAC-S   Jacobi's Method Iterative Sparse Ax = b Solver.
          DSJAC-D   Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    Jacobi iteration.
          SSLUBC-S  Incomplete LU BiConjugate Gradient Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DSLUBC-D  Routine to solve a linear system  Ax = b  using the
                    BiConjugate Gradient method with Incomplete LU
                    decomposition preconditioning.
          SSLUCN-S  Incomplete LU CG Sparse Ax=b Solver for Normal Equations.
          DSLUCN-D  Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using the
                    incomplete LU decomposition with the Conjugate Gradient
                    method applied to the normal equations, viz.,  AA'y = b,
                    x = A'y.
          SSLUCS-S  Incomplete LU BiConjugate Gradient Squared Ax=b Solver.
          DSLUCS-D  Routine to solve a linear system  Ax = b  using the
                    BiConjugate Gradient Squared method with Incomplete LU
                    decomposition preconditioning.
          SSLUGM-S  Incomplete LU GMRES Iterative Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DSLUGM-D  This routine uses the generalized minimum residual
                    (GMRES) method with incomplete LU factorization for
                    preconditioning to solve possibly non-symmetric linear
                    systems of the form: Ax = b.
          SSLUOM-S  Incomplete LU Orthomin Sparse Iterative Ax=b Solver.
          DSLUOM-D  Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    the Orthomin method with Incomplete LU decomposition.
D2C.  Complex non-Hermitian matrices
D2C1.  General
          CGECO-C   Factor a matrix using Gaussian elimination and estimate
          SGECO-S   the condition number of the matrix.
          CGEDI-C   Compute the determinant and inverse of a matrix using the
          SGEDI-S   factors computed by CGECO or CGEFA.
          CGEFA-C   Factor a matrix using Gaussian elimination.
          CGEFS-C   Solve a general system of linear equations.
          CGEIR-C   Solve a general system of linear equations.  Iterative
          SGEIR-S   refinement is used to obtain an error estimate.
          CGESL-C   Solve the complex system A*X=B or CTRANS(A)*X=B using the
          SGESL-S   factors computed by CGECO or CGEFA.
          CQRSL-C   Apply the output of CQRDC to compute coordinate transfor-
          SQRSL-S   mations, projections, and least squares solutions.
          CSICO-C   Factor a complex symmetric matrix by elimination with
          SSICO-S   symmetric pivoting and estimate the condition number of the
          DSICO-D   matrix.
          CSIDI-C   Compute the determinant and inverse of a complex symmetric
          SSIDI-S   matrix using the factors from CSIFA.
          CSIFA-C   Factor a complex symmetric matrix by elimination with
          SSIFA-S   symmetric pivoting.
          CSISL-C   Solve a complex symmetric system using the factors obtained
          SSISL-S   from CSIFA.
          CSPCO-C   Factor a complex symmetric matrix stored in packed form
          SSPCO-S   by elimination with symmetric pivoting and estimate the
          DSPCO-D   condition number of the matrix.
          CSPDI-C   Compute the determinant and inverse of a complex symmetric
          SSPDI-S   matrix stored in packed form using the factors from CSPFA.
          CSPFA-C   Factor a complex symmetric matrix stored in packed form by
          SSPFA-S   elimination with symmetric pivoting.
          CSPSL-C   Solve a complex symmetric system using the factors obtained
          SSPSL-S   from CSPFA.
D2C2.  Banded
          CGBCO-C   Factor a band matrix by Gaussian elimination and
          SGBCO-S   estimate the condition number of the matrix.
          CGBFA-C   Factor a band matrix using Gaussian elimination.
          CGBSL-C   Solve the complex band system A*X=B or CTRANS(A)*X=B using
          SGBSL-S   the factors computed by CGBCO or CGBFA.
          CNBCO-C   Factor a band matrix using Gaussian elimination and
          SNBCO-S   estimate the condition number.
          CNBFA-C   Factor a band matrix by elimination.
          CNBFS-C   Solve a general nonsymmetric banded system of linear
          SNBFS-S   equations.
          CNBIR-C   Solve a general nonsymmetric banded system of linear
          SNBIR-S   equations.  Iterative refinement is used to obtain an error
          CNBSL-C   Solve a complex band system using the factors computed by
          SNBSL-S   CNBCO or CNBFA.
D2C2A.  Tridiagonal
          CGTSL-C   Solve a tridiagonal linear system.
D2C3.  Triangular
          CTRCO-C   Estimate the condition number of a triangular matrix.
          CTRDI-C   Compute the determinant and inverse of a triangular matrix.
          CTRSL-C   Solve a system of the form  T*X=B or CTRANS(T)*X=B, where
          STRSL-S   T is a triangular matrix.  Here CTRANS(T) is the conjugate
          DTRSL-D   transpose.
D2D.  Complex Hermitian matrices
D2D1.  General
D2D1A.  Indefinite
          CHICO-C   Factor a complex Hermitian matrix by elimination with sym-
          SSICO-S   metric pivoting and estimate the condition of the matrix.
          CHIDI-C   Compute the determinant, inertia and inverse of a complex
          SSIDI-S   Hermitian matrix using the factors obtained from CHIFA.
          CHIFA-C   Factor a complex Hermitian matrix by elimination
          SSIFA-S   (symmetric pivoting).
          CHISL-C   Solve the complex Hermitian system using factors obtained
          SSISL-S   from CHIFA.
          CHPCO-C   Factor a complex Hermitian matrix stored in packed form by
          SSPCO-S   elimination with symmetric pivoting and estimate the
          DSPCO-D   condition number of the matrix.
          CHPDI-C   Compute the determinant, inertia and inverse of a complex
          SSPDI-S   Hermitian matrix stored in packed form using the factors
          DSPDI-D   obtained from CHPFA.
          CHPFA-C   Factor a complex Hermitian matrix stored in packed form by
          SSPFA-S   elimination with symmetric pivoting.
          CHPSL-C   Solve a complex Hermitian system using factors obtained
          SSPSL-S   from CHPFA.
D2D1B.  Positive definite
          CCHDC-C   Compute the Cholesky decomposition of a positive definite
          SCHDC-S   matrix.  A pivoting option allows the user to estimate the
          DCHDC-D   condition number of a positive definite matrix or determine
                    the rank of a positive semidefinite matrix.
          CPOCO-C   Factor a complex Hermitian positive definite matrix
          SPOCO-S   and estimate the condition number of the matrix.
          CPODI-C   Compute the determinant and inverse of a certain complex
          SPODI-S   Hermitian positive definite matrix using the factors
          DPODI-D   computed by CPOCO, CPOFA, or CQRDC.
          CPOFA-C   Factor a complex Hermitian positive definite matrix.
          CPOFS-C   Solve a positive definite symmetric complex system of
          SPOFS-S   linear equations.
          CPOIR-C   Solve a positive definite Hermitian system of linear
          SPOIR-S   equations.  Iterative refinement is used to obtain an
                    error estimate.
          CPOSL-C   Solve the complex Hermitian positive definite linear system
          SPOSL-S   using the factors computed by CPOCO or CPOFA.
          CPPCO-C   Factor a complex Hermitian positive definite matrix stored
          SPPCO-S   in packed form and estimate the condition number of the
          DPPCO-D   matrix.
          CPPDI-C   Compute the determinant and inverse of a complex Hermitian
          SPPDI-S   positive definite matrix using factors from CPPCO or CPPFA.
          CPPFA-C   Factor a complex Hermitian positive definite matrix stored
          SPPFA-S   in packed form.
          CPPSL-C   Solve the complex Hermitian positive definite system using
          SPPSL-S   the factors computed by CPPCO or CPPFA.
D2D2.  Positive definite banded
          CPBCO-C   Factor a complex Hermitian positive definite matrix stored
          SPBCO-S   in band form and estimate the condition number of the
          DPBCO-D   matrix.
          CPBFA-C   Factor a complex Hermitian positive definite matrix stored
          SPBFA-S   in band form.
          CPBSL-C   Solve the complex Hermitian positive definite band system
          SPBSL-S   using the factors computed by CPBCO or CPBFA.
D2D2A.  Tridiagonal
          CPTSL-C   Solve a positive definite tridiagonal linear system.
D2E.  Associated operations (e.g., matrix reorderings)
          SLLTI2-S  SLAP Backsolve routine for LDL' Factorization.
          DLLTI2-D  Routine to solve a system of the form  L*D*L' X = B,
                    where L is a unit lower triangular matrix and D is a
                    diagonal matrix and ' means transpose.
          SS2LT-S   Lower Triangle Preconditioner SLAP Set Up.
          DS2LT-D   Routine to store the lower triangle of a matrix stored
                    in the SLAP Column format.
          SSD2S-S   Diagonal Scaling Preconditioner SLAP Normal Eqns Set Up.
          DSD2S-D   Routine to compute the inverse of the diagonal of the
                    matrix A*A', where A is stored in SLAP-Column format.
          SSDS-S    Diagonal Scaling Preconditioner SLAP Set Up.
          DSDS-D    Routine to compute the inverse of the diagonal of a matrix
                    stored in the SLAP Column format.
          SSDSCL-S  Diagonal Scaling of system Ax = b.
          DSDSCL-D  This routine scales (and unscales) the system  Ax = b
                    by symmetric diagonal scaling.
          SSICS-S   Incompl. Cholesky Decomposition Preconditioner SLAP Set Up.
          DSICS-D   Routine to generate the Incomplete Cholesky decomposition,
                    L*D*L-trans, of a symmetric positive definite matrix, A,
                    which is stored in SLAP Column format.  The unit lower
                    triangular matrix L is stored by rows, and the inverse of
                    the diagonal matrix D is stored.
          SSILUS-S  Incomplete LU Decomposition Preconditioner SLAP Set Up.
          DSILUS-D  Routine to generate the incomplete LDU decomposition of a
                    matrix.  The unit lower triangular factor L is stored by
                    rows and the unit upper triangular factor U is stored by
                    columns.  The inverse of the diagonal matrix D is stored.
                    No fill in is allowed.
          SSLLTI-S  SLAP MSOLVE for LDL' (IC) Factorization.
          DSLLTI-D  This routine acts as an interface between the SLAP generic
                    MSOLVE calling convention and the routine that actually
                    computes (LDL')  B = X.
          SSLUI-S   SLAP MSOLVE for LDU Factorization.
          DSLUI-D   This routine acts as an interface between the SLAP generic
                    MSOLVE calling convention and the routine that actually
                    computes  (LDU)  B = X.
          SSLUI2-S  SLAP Backsolve for LDU Factorization.
          DSLUI2-D  Routine to solve a system of the form  L*D*U X = B,
                    where L is a unit lower triangular matrix, D is a diagonal
                    matrix, and U is a unit upper triangular matrix.
          SSLUI4-S  SLAP Backsolve for LDU Factorization.
          DSLUI4-D  Routine to solve a system of the form  (L*D*U)' X = B,
                    where L is a unit lower triangular matrix, D is a diagonal
                    matrix, and U is a unit upper triangular matrix and '
                    denotes transpose.
          SSLUTI-S  SLAP MTSOLV for LDU Factorization.
          DSLUTI-D  This routine acts as an interface between the SLAP generic
                    MTSOLV calling convention and the routine that actually
                    computes  (LDU)  B = X.
          SSMMI2-S  SLAP Backsolve for LDU Factorization of Normal Equations.
          DSMMI2-D  To solve a system of the form  (L*D*U)*(L*D*U)' X = B,
                    where L is a unit lower triangular matrix, D is a diagonal
                    matrix, and U is a unit upper triangular matrix and '
                    denotes transpose.
          SSMMTI-S  SLAP MSOLVE for LDU Factorization of Normal Equations.
          DSMMTI-D  This routine acts as an interface between the SLAP generic
                    MMTSLV calling convention and the routine that actually
                    computes  [(LDU)*(LDU)']  B = X.
D3.  Determinants
D3A.  Real nonsymmetric matrices
D3A1.  General
          SGEDI-S   Compute the determinant and inverse of a matrix using the
          DGEDI-D   factors computed by SGECO or SGEFA.
D3A2.  Banded
          SGBDI-S   Compute the determinant of a band matrix using the factors
          DGBDI-D   computed by SGBCO or SGBFA.
          SNBDI-S   Compute the determinant of a band matrix using the factors
          DNBDI-D   computed by SNBCO or SNBFA.
D3A3.  Triangular
          STRDI-S   Compute the determinant and inverse of a triangular matrix.
D3B.  Real symmetric matrices
D3B1.  General
D3B1A.  Indefinite
          SSIDI-S   Compute the determinant, inertia and inverse of a real
          DSIDI-D   symmetric matrix using the factors from SSIFA.
          SSPDI-S   Compute the determinant, inertia, inverse of a real
          DSPDI-D   symmetric matrix stored in packed form using the factors
          CHPDI-C   from SSPFA.
D3B1B.  Positive definite
          SPODI-S   Compute the determinant and inverse of a certain real
          DPODI-D   symmetric positive definite matrix using the factors
          CPODI-C   computed by SPOCO, SPOFA or SQRDC.
          SPPDI-S   Compute the determinant and inverse of a real symmetric
          DPPDI-D   positive definite matrix using factors from SPPCO or SPPFA.
D3B2.  Positive definite banded
          SPBDI-S   Compute the determinant of a symmetric positive definite
          DPBDI-D   band matrix using the factors computed by SPBCO or SPBFA.
D3C.  Complex non-Hermitian matrices
D3C1.  General
          CGEDI-C   Compute the determinant and inverse of a matrix using the
          SGEDI-S   factors computed by CGECO or CGEFA.
          CSIDI-C   Compute the determinant and inverse of a complex symmetric
          SSIDI-S   matrix using the factors from CSIFA.
          CSPDI-C   Compute the determinant and inverse of a complex symmetric
          SSPDI-S   matrix stored in packed form using the factors from CSPFA.
D3C2.  Banded
          CGBDI-C   Compute the determinant of a complex band matrix using the
          SGBDI-S   factors from CGBCO or CGBFA.
          CNBDI-C   Compute the determinant of a band matrix using the factors
          SNBDI-S   computed by CNBCO or CNBFA.
D3C3.  Triangular
          CTRDI-C   Compute the determinant and inverse of a triangular matrix.
D3D.  Complex Hermitian matrices
D3D1.  General
D3D1A.  Indefinite
          CHIDI-C   Compute the determinant, inertia and inverse of a complex
          SSIDI-S   Hermitian matrix using the factors obtained from CHIFA.
          CHPDI-C   Compute the determinant, inertia and inverse of a complex
          SSPDI-S   Hermitian matrix stored in packed form using the factors
          DSPDI-D   obtained from CHPFA.
D3D1B.  Positive definite
          CPODI-C   Compute the determinant and inverse of a certain complex
          SPODI-S   Hermitian positive definite matrix using the factors
          DPODI-D   computed by CPOCO, CPOFA, or CQRDC.
          CPPDI-C   Compute the determinant and inverse of a complex Hermitian
          SPPDI-S   positive definite matrix using factors from CPPCO or CPPFA.
D3D2.  Positive definite banded
          CPBDI-C   Compute the determinant of a complex Hermitian positive
          SPBDI-S   definite band matrix using the factors computed by CPBCO or
          DPBDI-D   CPBFA.
D4.  Eigenvalues, eigenvectors
          EISDOC-A  Documentation for EISPACK, a collection of subprograms for
                    solving matrix eigen-problems.
D4A.  Ordinary eigenvalue problems (Ax = (lambda) * x)
D4A1.  Real symmetric
          RS-S      Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
          CH-C      of a real symmetric matrix.
          RSP-S     Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
                    of a real symmetric matrix packed into a one dimensional
          SSIEV-S   Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
          CHIEV-C   of a real symmetric matrix.
          SSPEV-S   Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
                    of a real symmetric matrix stored in packed form.
D4A2.  Real nonsymmetric
          RG-S      Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
          CG-C      of a real general matrix.
          SGEEV-S   Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
          CGEEV-C   of a real general matrix.
D4A3.  Complex Hermitian
          CH-C      Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
          RS-S      of a complex Hermitian matrix.
          CHIEV-C   Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
          SSIEV-S   of a complex Hermitian matrix.
D4A4.  Complex non-Hermitian
          CG-C      Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
          RG-S      of a complex general matrix.
          CGEEV-C   Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
          SGEEV-S   of a complex general matrix.
D4A5.  Tridiagonal
          BISECT-S  Compute the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    in a given interval using Sturm sequencing.
          IMTQL1-S  Compute the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    using the implicit QL method.
          IMTQL2-S  Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric
                    tridiagonal matrix using the implicit QL method.
          IMTQLV-S  Compute the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    using the implicit QL method.  Eigenvectors may be computed
          RATQR-S   Compute the largest or smallest eigenvalues of a symmetric
                    tridiagonal matrix using the rational QR method with Newton
          RST-S     Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
                    of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix.
          RT-S      Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a special real
                    tridiagonal matrix.
          TQL1-S    Compute the eigenvalues of symmetric tridiagonal matrix by
                    the QL method.
          TQL2-S    Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric
                    tridiagonal matrix.
          TQLRAT-S  Compute the eigenvalues of symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    using a rational variant of the QL method.
          TRIDIB-S  Compute the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    in a given interval using Sturm sequencing.
          TSTURM-S  Find those eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    in a given interval and their associated eigenvectors by
                    Sturm sequencing.
D4A6.  Banded
          BQR-S     Compute some of the eigenvalues of a real symmetric
                    matrix using the QR method with shifts of origin.
          RSB-S     Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
                    of a symmetric band matrix.
D4B.  Generalized eigenvalue problems (e.g., Ax = (lambda)*Bx)
D4B1.  Real symmetric
          RSG-S     Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
                    of a symmetric generalized eigenproblem.
          RSGAB-S   Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
                    of a symmetric generalized eigenproblem.
          RSGBA-S   Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
                    of a symmetric generalized eigenproblem.
D4B2.  Real general
          RGG-S     Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a real
                    generalized eigenproblem.
D4C.  Associated operations
D4C1.  Transform problem
D4C1A.  Balance matrix
          BALANC-S  Balance a real general matrix and isolate eigenvalues
          CBAL-C    whenever possible.
D4C1B.  Reduce to compact form
D4C1B1.  Tridiagonal
          BANDR-S   Reduce a real symmetric band matrix to symmetric
                    tridiagonal matrix and, optionally, accumulate
                    orthogonal similarity transformations.
          HTRID3-S  Reduce a complex Hermitian (packed) matrix to a real
                    symmetric tridiagonal matrix by unitary similarity
          HTRIDI-S  Reduce a complex Hermitian matrix to a real symmetric
                    tridiagonal matrix using unitary similarity
          TRED1-S   Reduce a real symmetric matrix to symmetric tridiagonal
                    matrix using orthogonal similarity transformations.
          TRED2-S   Reduce a real symmetric matrix to a symmetric tridiagonal
                    matrix using and accumulating orthogonal transformations.
          TRED3-S   Reduce a real symmetric matrix stored in packed form to
                    symmetric tridiagonal matrix using orthogonal
D4C1B2.  Hessenberg
          ELMHES-S  Reduce a real general matrix to upper Hessenberg form
          COMHES-C  using stabilized elementary similarity transformations.
          ORTHES-S  Reduce a real general matrix to upper Hessenberg form
          CORTH-C   using orthogonal similarity transformations.
D4C1B3.  Other
          QZHES-S   The first step of the QZ algorithm for solving generalized
                    matrix eigenproblems.  Accepts a pair of real general
                    matrices and reduces one of them to upper Hessenberg
                    and the other to upper triangular form using orthogonal
                    transformations. Usually followed by QZIT, QZVAL, QZVEC.
          QZIT-S    The second step of the QZ algorithm for generalized
                    eigenproblems.  Accepts an upper Hessenberg and an upper
                    triangular matrix and reduces the former to
                    quasi-triangular form while preserving the form of the
                    latter.  Usually preceded by QZHES and followed by QZVAL
                    and QZVEC.
D4C1C.  Standardize problem
          FIGI-S    Transforms certain real non-symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    to symmetric tridiagonal matrix.
          FIGI2-S   Transforms certain real non-symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    to symmetric tridiagonal matrix.
          REDUC-S   Reduce a generalized symmetric eigenproblem to a standard
                    symmetric eigenproblem using Cholesky factorization.
          REDUC2-S  Reduce a certain generalized symmetric eigenproblem to a
                    standard symmetric eigenproblem using Cholesky
D4C2.  Compute eigenvalues of matrix in compact form
D4C2A.  Tridiagonal
          BISECT-S  Compute the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    in a given interval using Sturm sequencing.
          IMTQL1-S  Compute the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    using the implicit QL method.
          IMTQL2-S  Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric
                    tridiagonal matrix using the implicit QL method.
          IMTQLV-S  Compute the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    using the implicit QL method.  Eigenvectors may be computed
          RATQR-S   Compute the largest or smallest eigenvalues of a symmetric
                    tridiagonal matrix using the rational QR method with Newton
          TQL1-S    Compute the eigenvalues of symmetric tridiagonal matrix by
                    the QL method.
          TQL2-S    Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric
                    tridiagonal matrix.
          TQLRAT-S  Compute the eigenvalues of symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    using a rational variant of the QL method.
          TRIDIB-S  Compute the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    in a given interval using Sturm sequencing.
          TSTURM-S  Find those eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    in a given interval and their associated eigenvectors by
                    Sturm sequencing.
D4C2B.  Hessenberg
          COMLR-C   Compute the eigenvalues of a complex upper Hessenberg
                    matrix using the modified LR method.
          COMLR2-C  Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a complex upper
                    Hessenberg matrix using the modified LR method.
          HQR-S     Compute the eigenvalues of a real upper Hessenberg matrix
          COMQR-C   using the QR method.
          HQR2-S    Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real upper
          COMQR2-C  Hessenberg matrix using QR method.
          INVIT-S   Compute the eigenvectors of a real upper Hessenberg
          CINVIT-C  matrix associated with specified eigenvalues by inverse
D4C2C.  Other
          QZVAL-S   The third step of the QZ algorithm for generalized
                    eigenproblems.  Accepts a pair of real matrices, one in
                    quasi-triangular form and the other in upper triangular
                    form and computes the eigenvalues of the associated
                    eigenproblem.  Usually preceded by QZHES, QZIT, and
                    followed by QZVEC.
D4C3.  Form eigenvectors from eigenvalues
          BANDV-S   Form the eigenvectors of a real symmetric band matrix
                    associated with a set of ordered approximate eigenvalues
                    by inverse iteration.
          QZVEC-S   The optional fourth step of the QZ algorithm for
                    generalized eigenproblems.  Accepts a matrix in
                    quasi-triangular form and another in upper triangular
                    and computes the eigenvectors of the triangular problem
                    and transforms them back to the original coordinates
                    Usually preceded by QZHES, QZIT, and QZVAL.
          TINVIT-S  Compute the eigenvectors of symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    corresponding to specified eigenvalues, using inverse
D4C4.  Back transform eigenvectors
          BAKVEC-S  Form the eigenvectors of a certain real non-symmetric
                    tridiagonal matrix from a symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    output from FIGI.
          BALBAK-S  Form the eigenvectors of a real general matrix from the
          CBABK2-C  eigenvectors of matrix output from BALANC.
          ELMBAK-S  Form the eigenvectors of a real general matrix from the
          COMBAK-C  eigenvectors of the upper Hessenberg matrix output from
          ELTRAN-S  Accumulates the stabilized elementary similarity
                    transformations used in the reduction of a real general
                    matrix to upper Hessenberg form by ELMHES.
          HTRIB3-S  Compute the eigenvectors of a complex Hermitian matrix from
                    the eigenvectors of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    output from HTRID3.
          HTRIBK-S  Form the eigenvectors of a complex Hermitian matrix from
                    the eigenvectors of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    output from HTRIDI.
          ORTBAK-S  Form the eigenvectors of a general real matrix from the
          CORTB-C   eigenvectors of the upper Hessenberg matrix output from
          ORTRAN-S  Accumulate orthogonal similarity transformations in the
                    reduction of real general matrix by ORTHES.
          REBAK-S   Form the eigenvectors of a generalized symmetric
                    eigensystem from the eigenvectors of derived matrix output
                    from REDUC or REDUC2.
          REBAKB-S  Form the eigenvectors of a generalized symmetric
                    eigensystem from the eigenvectors of derived matrix output
                    from REDUC2.
          TRBAK1-S  Form the eigenvectors of real symmetric matrix from
                    the eigenvectors of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix formed
                    by TRED1.
          TRBAK3-S  Form the eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix from the
                    eigenvectors of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix formed
                    by TRED3.
D5.  QR decomposition, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
          LLSIA-S   Solve a linear least squares problems by performing a QR
          DLLSIA-D  factorization of the matrix using Householder
                    transformations.  Emphasis is put on detecting possible
                    rank deficiency.
          SGLSS-S   Solve a linear least squares problems by performing a QR
          DGLSS-D   factorization of the matrix using Householder
                    transformations.  Emphasis is put on detecting possible
                    rank deficiency.
          SQRDC-S   Use Householder transformations to compute the QR
          DQRDC-D   factorization of an N by P matrix.  Column pivoting is a
          CQRDC-C   users option.
D6.  Singular value decomposition
          SSVDC-S   Perform the singular value decomposition of a rectangular
          DSVDC-D   matrix.
D7.  Update matrix decompositions
D7B.  Cholesky
          SCHDD-S   Downdate an augmented Cholesky decomposition or the
          DCHDD-D   triangular factor of an augmented QR decomposition.
          SCHEX-S   Update the Cholesky factorization  A=TRANS(R)*R  of A
          DCHEX-D   positive definite matrix A of order P under diagonal
          CCHEX-C   permutations of the form TRANS(E)*A*E, where E is a
                    permutation matrix.
          SCHUD-S   Update an augmented Cholesky decomposition of the
          DCHUD-D   triangular part of an augmented QR decomposition.
D9.  Overdetermined or underdetermined systems of equations, singular systems,
     pseudo-inverses (search also classes D5, D6, K1a, L8a)
          BNDACC-S  Compute the LU factorization of a banded matrices using
          DBNDAC-D  sequential accumulation of rows of the data matrix.
                    Exactly one right-hand side vector is permitted.
          BNDSOL-S  Solve the least squares problem for a banded matrix using
          DBNDSL-D  sequential accumulation of rows of the data matrix.
                    Exactly one right-hand side vector is permitted.
          HFTI-S    Solve a linear least squares problems by performing a QR
          DHFTI-D   factorization of the matrix using Householder
          LLSIA-S   Solve a linear least squares problems by performing a QR
          DLLSIA-D  factorization of the matrix using Householder
                    transformations.  Emphasis is put on detecting possible
                    rank deficiency.
          LSEI-S    Solve a linearly constrained least squares problem with
          DLSEI-D   equality and inequality constraints, and optionally compute
                    a covariance matrix.
          MINFIT-S  Compute the singular value decomposition of a rectangular
                    matrix and solve the related linear least squares problem.
          SGLSS-S   Solve a linear least squares problems by performing a QR
          DGLSS-D   factorization of the matrix using Householder
                    transformations.  Emphasis is put on detecting possible
                    rank deficiency.
          SQRSL-S   Apply the output of SQRDC to compute coordinate transfor-
          DQRSL-D   mations, projections, and least squares solutions.
          ULSIA-S   Solve an underdetermined linear system of equations by
          DULSIA-D  performing an LQ factorization of the matrix using
                    Householder transformations.  Emphasis is put on detecting
                    possible rank deficiency.