L5. Function evaluation L6. Pseudo-random number generation L7. Experimental design, including analysis of variance L8. Regression L5. Function evaluation (search also class C) L5A. Univariate L5A1. Cumulative distribution functions, probability density functions L5A1E. Error function, exponential, extreme value ERF-S Compute the error function. DERF-D ERFC-S Compute the complementary error function. DERFC-D L6. Pseudo-random number generation L6A. Univariate L6A14. Negative binomial, normal RGAUSS-S Generate a normally distributed (Gaussian) random number. L6A21. Uniform RAND-S Generate a uniformly distributed random number. RUNIF-S Generate a uniformly distributed random number. L7. Experimental design, including analysis of variance L7A. Univariate L7A3. Analysis of covariance CV-S Evaluate the variance function of the curve obtained DCV-D by the constrained B-spline fitting subprogram FC. L8. Regression (search also classes G, K) L8A. Linear least squares (L-2) (search also classes D5, D6, D9) L8A3. Piecewise polynomial (i.e. multiphase or spline) EFC-S Fit a piecewise polynomial curve to discrete data. DEFC-D The piecewise polynomials are represented as B-splines. The fitting is done in a weighted least squares sense. FC-S Fit a piecewise polynomial curve to discrete data. DFC-D The piecewise polynomials are represented as B-splines. The fitting is done in a weighted least squares sense. Equality and inequality constraints can be imposed on the fitted curve.