SLATEC Common Mathematical Library -- Table of Contents

SECTION I. User-callable Routines
Category K. Approximation (search also class L8)

         K1.  Least squares (L-2) approximation
         K6.  Service routines 
          BSPDOC-A  Documentation for BSPLINE, a package of subprograms for
                    working with piecewise polynomial functions
                    in B-representation.
K1.  Least squares (L-2) approximation
K1A.  Linear least squares (search also classes D5, D6, D9)
K1A1.  Unconstrained
K1A1A.  Univariate data (curve fitting)
K1A1A1.  Polynomial splines (piecewise polynomials)
          EFC-S     Fit a piecewise polynomial curve to discrete data.
          DEFC-D    The piecewise polynomials are represented as B-splines.
                    The fitting is done in a weighted least squares sense.
          FC-S      Fit a piecewise polynomial curve to discrete data.
          DFC-D     The piecewise polynomials are represented as B-splines.
                    The fitting is done in a weighted least squares sense.
                    Equality and inequality constraints can be imposed on the
                    fitted curve.
K1A1A2.  Polynomials
          PCOEF-S   Convert the POLFIT coefficients to Taylor series form.
          POLFIT-S  Fit discrete data in a least squares sense by polynomials
          DPOLFT-D  in one variable.
K1A2.  Constrained
K1A2A.  Linear constraints
          EFC-S     Fit a piecewise polynomial curve to discrete data.
          DEFC-D    The piecewise polynomials are represented as B-splines.
                    The fitting is done in a weighted least squares sense.
          FC-S      Fit a piecewise polynomial curve to discrete data.
          DFC-D     The piecewise polynomials are represented as B-splines.
                    The fitting is done in a weighted least squares sense.
                    Equality and inequality constraints can be imposed on the
                    fitted curve.
          LSEI-S    Solve a linearly constrained least squares problem with
          DLSEI-D   equality and inequality constraints, and optionally compute
                    a covariance matrix.
          SBOCLS-S  Solve the bounded and constrained least squares
          DBOCLS-D  problem consisting of solving the equation
                              E*X = F  (in the least squares sense)
                     subject to the linear constraints
                                    C*X = Y.
          SBOLS-S   Solve the problem
          DBOLS-D        E*X = F (in the least  squares  sense)
                    with bounds on selected X values.
          WNNLS-S   Solve a linearly constrained least squares problem with
          DWNNLS-D  equality constraints and nonnegativity constraints on
                    selected variables.
K1B.  Nonlinear least squares
K1B1.  Unconstrained
          SCOV-S    Calculate the covariance matrix for a nonlinear data
          DCOV-D    fitting problem.  It is intended to be used after a
                    successful return from either SNLS1 or SNLS1E.
K1B1A.  Smooth functions
K1B1A1.  User provides no derivatives
          SNLS1-S   Minimize the sum of the squares of M nonlinear functions
          DNLS1-D   in N variables by a modification of the Levenberg-Marquardt
          SNLS1E-S  An easy-to-use code which minimizes the sum of the squares
          DNLS1E-D  of M nonlinear functions in N variables by a modification
                    of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.
K1B1A2.  User provides first derivatives
          SNLS1-S   Minimize the sum of the squares of M nonlinear functions
          DNLS1-D   in N variables by a modification of the Levenberg-Marquardt
          SNLS1E-S  An easy-to-use code which minimizes the sum of the squares
          DNLS1E-D  of M nonlinear functions in N variables by a modification
                    of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.
K6.  Service routines (e.g., mesh generation, evaluation of fitted functions)
     (search also class N5)
          BFQAD-S   Compute the integral of a product of a function and a
          DBFQAD-D  derivative of a B-spline.
          DBSPDR-D  Use the B-representation to construct a divided difference
          BSPDR-S   table preparatory to a (right) derivative calculation.
          BSPEV-S   Calculate the value of the spline and its derivatives from
          DBSPEV-D  the B-representation.
          BSPPP-S   Convert the B-representation of a B-spline to the piecewise
          DBSPPP-D  polynomial (PP) form.
          BSPVD-S   Calculate the value and all derivatives of order less than
          DBSPVD-D  NDERIV of all basis functions which do not vanish at X.
          BSPVN-S   Calculate the value of all (possibly) nonzero basis
          DBSPVN-D  functions at X.
          BSQAD-S   Compute the integral of a K-th order B-spline using the
          DBSQAD-D  B-representation.
          BVALU-S   Evaluate the B-representation of a B-spline at X for the
          DBVALU-D  function value or any of its derivatives.
          INTRV-S   Compute the largest integer ILEFT in 1 .LE. ILEFT .LE. LXT
          DINTRV-D  such that XT(ILEFT) .LE. X where XT(*) is a subdivision
                    of the X interval.
          PFQAD-S   Compute the integral on (X1,X2) of a product of a function
          DPFQAD-D  F and the ID-th derivative of a B-spline,
          PPQAD-S   Compute the integral on (X1,X2) of a K-th order B-spline
          DPPQAD-D  using the piecewise polynomial (PP) representation.
          PPVAL-S   Calculate the value of the IDERIV-th derivative of the
          DPPVAL-D  B-spline from the PP-representation.
          PVALUE-S  Use the coefficients generated by POLFIT to evaluate the
          DP1VLU-D  polynomial fit of degree L, along with the first NDER of
                    its derivatives, at a specified point.