*DECK SSICS SUBROUTINE SSICS (N, NELT, IA, JA, A, ISYM, NEL, IEL, JEL, EL, D, + R, IWARN) C***BEGIN PROLOGUE SSICS C***PURPOSE Incompl. Cholesky Decomposition Preconditioner SLAP Set Up. C Routine to generate the Incomplete Cholesky decomposition, C L*D*L-trans, of a symmetric positive definite matrix, A, C which is stored in SLAP Column format. The unit lower C triangular matrix L is stored by rows, and the inverse of C the diagonal matrix D is stored. C***LIBRARY SLATEC (SLAP) C***CATEGORY D2E C***TYPE SINGLE PRECISION (SSICS-S, DSICS-D) C***KEYWORDS INCOMPLETE CHOLESKY FACTORIZATION, C ITERATIVE PRECONDITION, LINEAR SYSTEM, SLAP SPARSE C***AUTHOR Greenbaum, Anne, (Courant Institute) C Seager, Mark K., (LLNL) C Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory C PO BOX 808, L-60 C Livermore, CA 94550 (510) 423-3141 C seager@llnl.gov C***DESCRIPTION C C *Usage: C INTEGER N, NELT, IA(NELT), JA(NELT), ISYM C INTEGER NEL, IEL(NEL), JEL(NEL), IWARN C REAL A(NELT), EL(NEL), D(N), R(N) C C CALL SSICS( N, NELT, IA, JA, A, ISYM, NEL, IEL, JEL, EL, D, R, C $ IWARN ) C C *Arguments: C N :IN Integer. C Order of the Matrix. C NELT :IN Integer. C Number of elements in arrays IA, JA, and A. C IA :INOUT Integer IA(NELT). C JA :INOUT Integer JA(NELT). C A :INOUT Real A(NELT). C These arrays should hold the matrix A in the SLAP Column C format. See "Description", below. C ISYM :IN Integer. C Flag to indicate symmetric storage format. C If ISYM=0, all non-zero entries of the matrix are stored. C If ISYM=1, the matrix is symmetric, and only the lower C triangle of the matrix is stored. C NEL :OUT Integer. C Number of non-zeros in the lower triangle of A. Also C corresponds to the length of the IEL, JEL, EL arrays. C IEL :OUT Integer IEL(NEL). C JEL :OUT Integer JEL(NEL). C EL :OUT Real EL(NEL). C IEL, JEL, EL contain the unit lower triangular factor of the C incomplete decomposition of the A matrix stored in SLAP C Row format. The Diagonal of ones *IS* stored. See C "Description", below for more details about the SLAP Row fmt. C D :OUT Real D(N) C Upon return this array holds D(I) = 1./DIAG(A). C R :WORK Real R(N). C Temporary real workspace needed for the factorization. C IWARN :OUT Integer. C This is a warning variable and is zero if the IC factoriza- C tion goes well. It is set to the row index corresponding to C the last zero pivot found. See "Description", below. C C *Description C =================== S L A P Column format ================== C This routine requires that the matrix A be stored in the C SLAP Column format. In this format the non-zeros are stored C counting down columns (except for the diagonal entry, which C must appear first in each "column") and are stored in the C real array A. In other words, for each column in the matrix C put the diagonal entry in A. Then put in the other non-zero C elements going down the column (except the diagonal) in C order. The IA array holds the row index for each non-zero. C The JA array holds the offsets into the IA, A arrays for the C beginning of each column. That is, IA(JA(ICOL)), C A(JA(ICOL)) points to the beginning of the ICOL-th column in C IA and A. IA(JA(ICOL+1)-1), A(JA(ICOL+1)-1) points to the C end of the ICOL-th column. Note that we always have C JA(N+1) = NELT+1, where N is the number of columns in the C matrix and NELT is the number of non-zeros in the matrix. C C Here is an example of the SLAP Column storage format for a C 5x5 Matrix (in the A and IA arrays '|' denotes the end of a C column): C C 5x5 Matrix SLAP Column format for 5x5 matrix on left. C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 C |11 12 0 0 15| A: 11 21 51 | 22 12 | 33 53 | 44 | 55 15 35 C |21 22 0 0 0| IA: 1 2 5 | 2 1 | 3 5 | 4 | 5 1 3 C | 0 0 33 0 35| JA: 1 4 6 8 9 12 C | 0 0 0 44 0| C |51 0 53 0 55| C C ==================== S L A P Row format ==================== C C This routine requires that the matrix A be stored in the C SLAP Row format. In this format the non-zeros are stored C counting across rows (except for the diagonal entry, which C must appear first in each "row") and are stored in the real C array A. In other words, for each row in the matrix put the C diagonal entry in A. Then put in the other non-zero C elements going across the row (except the diagonal) in C order. The JA array holds the column index for each C non-zero. The IA array holds the offsets into the JA, A C arrays for the beginning of each row. That is, C JA(IA(IROW)), A(IA(IROW)) points to the beginning of the C IROW-th row in JA and A. JA(IA(IROW+1)-1), A(IA(IROW+1)-1) C points to the end of the IROW-th row. Note that we always C have IA(N+1) = NELT+1, where N is the number of rows in C the matrix and NELT is the number of non-zeros in the C matrix. C C Here is an example of the SLAP Row storage format for a 5x5 C Matrix (in the A and JA arrays '|' denotes the end of a row): C C 5x5 Matrix SLAP Row format for 5x5 matrix on left. C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 C |11 12 0 0 15| A: 11 12 15 | 22 21 | 33 35 | 44 | 55 51 53 C |21 22 0 0 0| JA: 1 2 5 | 2 1 | 3 5 | 4 | 5 1 3 C | 0 0 33 0 35| IA: 1 4 6 8 9 12 C | 0 0 0 44 0| C |51 0 53 0 55| C C With the SLAP format some of the "inner loops" of this C routine should vectorize on machines with hardware support C for vector gather/scatter operations. Your compiler may C require a compiler directive to convince it that there are C no implicit vector dependencies. Compiler directives for C the Alliant FX/Fortran and CRI CFT/CFT77 compilers are C supplied with the standard SLAP distribution. C C The IC factorization does not always exist for SPD matrices. C In the event that a zero pivot is found it is set to be 1.0 C and the factorization proceeds. The integer variable IWARN C is set to the last row where the Diagonal was fudged. This C eventuality hardly ever occurs in practice. C C***SEE ALSO SCG, SSICCG C***REFERENCES 1. Gene Golub and Charles Van Loan, Matrix Computations, C Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, C 1983. C***ROUTINES CALLED XERMSG C***REVISION HISTORY (YYMMDD) C 871119 DATE WRITTEN C 881213 Previous REVISION DATE C 890915 Made changes requested at July 1989 CML Meeting. (MKS) C 890922 Numerous changes to prologue to make closer to SLATEC C standard. (FNF) C 890929 Numerous changes to reduce SP/DP differences. (FNF) C 900805 Changed XERRWV calls to calls to XERMSG. (RWC) C 910411 Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format. (BAB) C 920511 Added complete declaration section. (WRB) C 920929 Corrected format of reference. (FNF) C 930701 Updated CATEGORY section. (FNF, WRB) C***END PROLOGUE SSICS