Note: this is a BLAS routine and is not in libslatec.a
*DECK DROTMG SUBROUTINE DROTMG (DD1, DD2, DX1, DY1, DPARAM) C***BEGIN PROLOGUE DROTMG C***PURPOSE Construct a modified Givens transformation. C***LIBRARY SLATEC (BLAS) C***CATEGORY D1B10 C***TYPE DOUBLE PRECISION (SROTMG-S, DROTMG-D) C***KEYWORDS BLAS, LINEAR ALGEBRA, MODIFIED GIVENS ROTATION, VECTOR C***AUTHOR Lawson, C. L., (JPL) C Hanson, R. J., (SNLA) C Kincaid, D. R., (U. of Texas) C Krogh, F. T., (JPL) C***DESCRIPTION C C B L A S Subprogram C Description of Parameters C C --Input-- C DD1 double precision scalar C DD2 double precision scalar C DX1 double precision scalar C DX2 double precision scalar C DPARAM D.P. 5-vector. DPARAM(1)=DFLAG defined below. C Locations 2-5 contain the rotation matrix. C C --Output-- C DD1 changed to represent the effect of the transformation C DD2 changed to represent the effect of the transformation C DX1 changed to represent the effect of the transformation C DX2 unchanged C C Construct the modified Givens transformation matrix H which zeros C the second component of the 2-vector (SQRT(DD1)*DX1,SQRT(DD2)* C DY2)**T. C With DPARAM(1)=DFLAG, H has one of the following forms: C C DFLAG=-1.D0 DFLAG=0.D0 DFLAG=1.D0 DFLAG=-2.D0 C C (DH11 DH12) (1.D0 DH12) (DH11 1.D0) (1.D0 0.D0) C H=( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) C (DH21 DH22), (DH21 1.D0), (-1.D0 DH22), (0.D0 1.D0). C C Locations 2-5 of DPARAM contain DH11, DH21, DH12, and DH22, C respectively. (Values of 1.D0, -1.D0, or 0.D0 implied by the C value of DPARAM(1) are not stored in DPARAM.) C C***REFERENCES C. L. Lawson, R. J. Hanson, D. R. Kincaid and F. T. C Krogh, Basic linear algebra subprograms for Fortran C usage, Algorithm No. 539, Transactions on Mathematical C Software 5, 3 (September 1979), pp. 308-323. C***ROUTINES CALLED (NONE) C***REVISION HISTORY (YYMMDD) C 780301 DATE WRITTEN C 890531 Changed all specific intrinsics to generic. (WRB) C 890531 REVISION DATE from Version 3.2 C 891214 Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format. (BAB) C 920316 Prologue corrected. (WRB) C 920501 Reformatted the REFERENCES section. (WRB) C***END PROLOGUE DROTMG