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BLAS routines used by ARPACK


Tables 5.4-5.6 list all the BLAS  subroutines called by ARPACK directly. We remark that there are other BLAS subroutines needed by ARPACK that are called by the LAPACK routines.

Table 5.4: Description of the Level three BLAS used by ARPACK.
Xtrmm Matrix times an upper triangular matrix.

Table 5.5: Description of the Level two BLAS used by ARPACK.
Xgemv  Matrix vector product.
[s,d]ger  Rank one update to a real matrix.
[c,z]geru  Rank one update to a complex matrix.

Table 5.6: Description of the Level one BLAS used by ARPACK.
Xaxpy  Compute a vector triad.
Xscal  Scale a vector.
[s,d]dot  Compute a real inner product.
[c,z]dotc  Compute a complex inner product.
[cs,zd]scal  Scale a complex vector with a real constant.
[s,d]nrm2  Computes the Euclidean norm of a real vector.
[sc,dz]nrm2  Computes the Euclidean norm of a complex vector.
Xcopy  Copy one vector to another.
Xswap  Swap two vectors

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Chao Yang