SLATEC Common Mathematical Library -- Table of Contents

SECTION I. User-callable Routines
Category H. Differentiation, integration

         H1.  Numerical differentiation
         H2.  Quadrature (numerical evaluation of definite integrals)

H1.  Numerical differentiation
          CHFDV-S   Evaluate a cubic polynomial given in Hermite form and its
          DCHFDV-D  first derivative at an array of points.  While designed for
                    use by PCHFD, it may be useful directly as an evaluator
                    for a piecewise cubic Hermite function in applications,
                    such as graphing, where the interval is known in advance.
                    If only function values are required, use CHFEV instead.
          PCHFD-S   Evaluate a piecewise cubic Hermite function and its first
          DPCHFD-D  derivative at an array of points.  May be used by itself
                    for Hermite interpolation, or as an evaluator for PCHIM
                    or PCHIC.  If only function values are required, use
                    PCHFE instead.
H2.  Quadrature (numerical evaluation of definite integrals)
          QPDOC-A   Documentation for QUADPACK, a package of subprograms for
                    automatic evaluation of one-dimensional definite integrals.
H2A.  One-dimensional integrals
H2A1.  Finite interval (general integrand)
H2A1A.  Integrand available via user-defined procedure
H2A1A1.  Automatic (user need only specify required accuracy)
          GAUS8-S   Integrate a real function of one variable over a finite
          DGAUS8-D  interval using an adaptive 8-point Legendre-Gauss
                    algorithm.  Intended primarily for high accuracy
                    integration or integration of smooth functions.
          QAG-S     The routine calculates an approximation result to a given
          DQAG-D    definite integral I = integral of F over (A,B),
                    hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
          QAGE-S    The routine calculates an approximation result to a given
          DQAGE-D   definite integral   I = Integral of F over (A,B),
                    hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
          QAGS-S    The routine calculates an approximation result to a given
          DQAGS-D   Definite integral  I = Integral of F over (A,B),
                    Hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
          QAGSE-S   The routine calculates an approximation result to a given
          DQAGSE-D  definite integral I = Integral of F over (A,B),
                    hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
          QNC79-S   Integrate a function using a 7-point adaptive Newton-Cotes
          DQNC79-D  quadrature rule.
          QNG-S     The routine calculates an approximation result to a
          DQNG-D    given definite integral I = integral of F over (A,B),
                    hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
H2A1A2.  Nonautomatic
          QK15-S    To compute I = Integral of F over (A,B), with error
          DQK15-D                  estimate
                               J = integral of ABS(F) over (A,B)
          QK21-S    To compute I = Integral of F over (A,B), with error
          DQK21-D                  estimate
                               J = Integral of ABS(F) over (A,B)
          QK31-S    To compute I = Integral of F over (A,B) with error
          DQK31-D                  estimate
                               J = Integral of ABS(F) over (A,B)
          QK41-S    To compute I = Integral of F over (A,B), with error
          DQK41-D                  estimate
                               J = Integral of ABS(F) over (A,B)
          QK51-S    To compute I = Integral of F over (A,B) with error
          DQK51-D                  estimate
                               J = Integral of ABS(F) over (A,B)
          QK61-S    To compute I = Integral of F over (A,B) with error
          DQK61-D                  estimate
                               J = Integral of ABS(F) over (A,B)
H2A1B.  Integrand available only on grid
H2A1B2.  Nonautomatic
          AVINT-S   Integrate a function tabulated at arbitrarily spaced
          DAVINT-D  abscissas using overlapping parabolas.
          PCHIA-S   Evaluate the definite integral of a piecewise cubic
          DPCHIA-D  Hermite function over an arbitrary interval.
          PCHID-S   Evaluate the definite integral of a piecewise cubic
          DPCHID-D  Hermite function over an interval whose endpoints are data
H2A2.  Finite interval (specific or special type integrand including weight
       functions, oscillating and singular integrands, principal value
       integrals, splines, etc.)
H2A2A.  Integrand available via user-defined procedure
H2A2A1.  Automatic (user need only specify required accuracy)
          BFQAD-S   Compute the integral of a product of a function and a
          DBFQAD-D  derivative of a B-spline.
          BSQAD-S   Compute the integral of a K-th order B-spline using the
          DBSQAD-D  B-representation.
          PFQAD-S   Compute the integral on (X1,X2) of a product of a function
          DPFQAD-D  F and the ID-th derivative of a B-spline,
          PPQAD-S   Compute the integral on (X1,X2) of a K-th order B-spline
          DPPQAD-D  using the piecewise polynomial (PP) representation.
          QAGP-S    The routine calculates an approximation result to a given
          DQAGP-D   definite integral I = Integral of F over (A,B),
                    hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
                    break points of the integration interval, where local
                    difficulties of the integrand may occur(e.g. SINGULARITIES,
                    DISCONTINUITIES), are provided by the user.
          QAGPE-S   Approximate a given definite integral I = Integral of F
          DQAGPE-D  over (A,B), hopefully satisfying the accuracy claim:
                    Break points of the integration interval, where local
                    difficulties of the integrand may occur (e.g. singularities
                    or discontinuities) are provided by the user.
          QAWC-S    The routine calculates an approximation result to a
          DQAWC-D   Cauchy principal value I = INTEGRAL of F*W over (A,B)
                    (W(X) = 1/((X-C), C.NE.A, C.NE.B), hopefully satisfying
                    following claim for accuracy
          QAWCE-S   The routine calculates an approximation result to a
          DQAWCE-D  CAUCHY PRINCIPAL VALUE I = Integral of F*W over (A,B)
                    (W(X) = 1/(X-C), (C.NE.A, C.NE.B), hopefully satisfying
                    following claim for accuracy
          QAWO-S    Calculate an approximation to a given definite integral
          DQAWO-D    I = Integral of F(X)*W(X) over (A,B), where
                           W(X) = COS(OMEGA*X)
                        or W(X) = SIN(OMEGA*X),
                    hopefully satisfying the following claim for accuracy
          QAWOE-S   Calculate an approximation to a given definite integral
          DQAWOE-D     I = Integral of F(X)*W(X) over (A,B), where
                          W(X) = COS(OMEGA*X)
                       or W(X) = SIN(OMEGA*X),
                    hopefully satisfying the following claim for accuracy
          QAWS-S    The routine calculates an approximation result to a given
          DQAWS-D   definite integral I = Integral of F*W over (A,B),
                    (where W shows a singular behaviour at the end points
                    see parameter INTEGR).
                    Hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
          QAWSE-S   The routine calculates an approximation result to a given
          DQAWSE-D  definite integral I = Integral of F*W over (A,B),
                    (where W shows a singular behaviour at the end points,
                    see parameter INTEGR).
                    Hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
          QMOMO-S   This routine computes modified Chebyshev moments.  The K-th
          DQMOMO-D  modified Chebyshev moment is defined as the integral over
                    (-1,1) of W(X)*T(K,X), where T(K,X) is the Chebyshev
                    polynomial of degree K.
H2A2A2.  Nonautomatic
          QC25C-S   To compute I = Integral of F*W over (A,B) with
          DQC25C-D  error estimate, where W(X) = 1/(X-C)
          QC25F-S   To compute the integral I=Integral of F(X) over (A,B)
          DQC25F-D  Where W(X) = COS(OMEGA*X) Or (WX)=SIN(OMEGA*X)
                    and to compute J=Integral of ABS(F) over (A,B). For small
                    value of OMEGA or small intervals (A,B) 15-point GAUSS-
                    KRONROD Rule used. Otherwise generalized CLENSHAW-CURTIS us
          QC25S-S   To compute I = Integral of F*W over (BL,BR), with error
          DQC25S-D  estimate, where the weight function W has a singular
                    behaviour of ALGEBRAICO-LOGARITHMIC type at the points
                    A and/or B. (BL,BR) is a part of (A,B).
          QK15W-S   To compute I = Integral of F*W over (A,B), with error
          DQK15W-D                 estimate
                               J = Integral of ABS(F*W) over (A,B)
H2A3.  Semi-infinite interval (including e**(-x) weight function)
H2A3A.  Integrand available via user-defined procedure
H2A3A1.  Automatic (user need only specify required accuracy)
          QAGI-S    The routine calculates an approximation result to a given
          DQAGI-D   INTEGRAL   I = Integral of F over (BOUND,+INFINITY)
                            OR I = Integral of F over (-INFINITY,BOUND)
                            OR I = Integral of F over (-INFINITY,+INFINITY)
                    Hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
          QAGIE-S   The routine calculates an approximation result to a given
          DQAGIE-D  integral   I = Integral of F over (BOUND,+INFINITY)
                            or I = Integral of F over (-INFINITY,BOUND)
                            or I = Integral of F over (-INFINITY,+INFINITY),
                            hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
          QAWF-S    The routine calculates an approximation result to a given
          DQAWF-D   Fourier integral
                    I = Integral of F(X)*W(X) over (A,INFINITY)
                    where W(X) = COS(OMEGA*X) or W(X) = SIN(OMEGA*X).
                    Hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
          QAWFE-S   The routine calculates an approximation result to a
          DQAWFE-D  given Fourier integral
                    I = Integral of F(X)*W(X) over (A,INFINITY)
                     where W(X) = COS(OMEGA*X) or W(X) = SIN(OMEGA*X),
                    hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
H2A3A2.  Nonautomatic
          QK15I-S   The original (infinite integration range is mapped
          DQK15I-D  onto the interval (0,1) and (A,B) is a part of (0,1).
                    it is the purpose to compute
                    I = Integral of transformed integrand over (A,B),
                    J = Integral of ABS(Transformed Integrand) over (A,B).
H2A4.  Infinite interval (including e**(-x**2)) weight function)
H2A4A.  Integrand available via user-defined procedure
H2A4A1.  Automatic (user need only specify required accuracy)
          QAGI-S    The routine calculates an approximation result to a given
          DQAGI-D   INTEGRAL   I = Integral of F over (BOUND,+INFINITY)
                            OR I = Integral of F over (-INFINITY,BOUND)
                            OR I = Integral of F over (-INFINITY,+INFINITY)
                    Hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
          QAGIE-S   The routine calculates an approximation result to a given
          DQAGIE-D  integral   I = Integral of F over (BOUND,+INFINITY)
                            or I = Integral of F over (-INFINITY,BOUND)
                            or I = Integral of F over (-INFINITY,+INFINITY),
                            hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
H2A4A2.  Nonautomatic
          QK15I-S   The original (infinite integration range is mapped
          DQK15I-D  onto the interval (0,1) and (A,B) is a part of (0,1).
                    it is the purpose to compute
                    I = Integral of transformed integrand over (A,B),
                    J = Integral of ABS(Transformed Integrand) over (A,B).