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IRIX Advanced Site and Server Administration Guide

Chapter 14
System Accounting

This chapter deals with

Process (System) Accounting

IRIX provides utilities to log certain types of system activity. These utilities perform process accounting.

The IRIX process accounting system can provide the following information:

Using this information, you can:

The next sections describe the parts of process accounting, how to turn on and off process accounting, and how to look at the various log files.

Parts of the Process Accounting System

The IRIX process accounting system has several parts:

You must specifically turn on this function. See "Turning on Process Accounting".

Turning on Process Accounting

To turn on process accounting:

    Log in to the system as root.

    Enter this command:

    chkconfig acct on 

    Enter this command:


    This starts the kernel writing information into the file /var/adm/pacct.

Process accounting is started every time you boot the system, and every time the system boots, you should see a message similar to this:

System accounting started 

Note that process accounting files, especially /var/adm/pacct, can grow very large. If you turn on process accounting, especially on a server, you should watch the amount of free disk space carefully. See "Controlling Accounting File Size"

Turning Off Process Accounting

To turn off process accounting, follow these steps:

    Log in as root.

    Enter this command:

    chkconfig acct off 

    Enter this command:


    This stops the kernel from writing accounting information into the file /var/adm/pacct.

Process accounting is now turned off.

Controlling Accounting File Size

Process and disk accounting files can grow very large. On a busy system, they can grow quite rapidly.

To help keep the size of the file /var/adm/pacct under control, the cron command runs /usr/lib/acct/ckpacct to check the size of the file and the available disk space on the file system.

If the size of the pacct file exceeds 1000 blocks (by default), it runs the turnacct command with argument `` switch.'' The `` switch'' argument causes turnacct to back up the pacct file (removing any existing backup copy) and start a new, empty pacct file. This means that at any time, no more than 2000 blocks of disk space are taken by pacct file information.

If the amount of free space in the file system falls below 500 blocks, ckpacct automatically turns off process accounting by running the turnacct command with the ``off'' argument. When at least 500 blocks of disk space are free, accounting is activated again the next time cron runs ckpacct.

Accounting Files and Directories

The directory /usr/lib/acct contains the programs and shell scripts necessary to run the accounting system. Process accounting uses a login (/var/adm) to perform certain tasks. /var/adm contains active data collection files used by the process accounting. Here is a description of the primary subdirectories in /var/adm:

/var/adm/acct/nite contains files that are reused daily by runacct.

/var/adm/acct/sum contains the cumulative summary files updated by runacct.

/var/adm/acct/fiscal contains periodic summary files created by monacct.

Daily Operation

When IRIX enters multiuser mode, /usr/lib/acct/startup is executed as follows:

The ckpacct procedure is run through cron every hour of the day to check the size of /var/adm/pacct. If the file grows past 1000 blocks (default), the turnacct switch is executed. The advantage of having several smaller pacct files becomes apparent when you try to restart runacct after a failure processing these records.

The chargefee program can be used to bill users for file restores, etc. It adds records to /var/adm/fee that are picked up and processed by the next execution of runacct and merged into the total accounting records. runacct is executed through cron each night. It processes the active accounting files, /var/adm/pacct, /etc/wtmp, /var/adm/acct/nite/disktacct, and /var/adm/fee. It produces command summaries and usage summaries by login name.

When the system is shut down using shutdown, the shutacct shell procedure is executed. It writes a shutdown reason record into /etc/wtmp and turns process accounting off.

After the first reboot each morning, the administrator should execute /usr/lib/acct/prdaily to print the previous day's accounting report.

Setting Up the Accounting System

If you have installed the system accounting option, all the files and command lines for implementation have been set up properly. You may wish to verify that the entries in the system configuration files are correct. In order to automate the operation of the accounting system, you should check that the following have been done:

    The file /etc/init.d/acct should contain the following lines (among others):


    The first line starts process accounting during the system startup process; the second stops it before the system is brought down.

    For most installations, the following entries should be in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/adm so that cron automatically runs the daily accounting. These lines should already exist:

    0 4 * * 1-6 if /etc/chkconfig acct; then /usr/lib/acct/runacct 2> /var/adm/acct/nite/fd2log; fi
    5 * * * 1-6 if /etc/chkconfig acct; then /usr/lib/acct/ckpacct; fi

    Note that the above cron commands appear on one line in the source file. The following command, which is also all on one line in the source file, should be in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root:

    0 2 * * 4 if /etc/chkconfig acct; then /usr/lib/acct/dodisk > /var/adm/acct/nite/disklog; fi

    To facilitate monthly merging of accounting data, the following entry in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/adm allows monacct to clean up all daily reports and daily total accounting files, and deposit one monthly total report and one monthly total accounting file in the fiscal directory:

    0 5 1 * * if /etc/chkconfig acct; then /usr/lib/acct/monacct; fi

    The above command is all on one line in the source file, and takes advantage of the default action of monacct that uses the current month's date as the suffix for the file names. Notice that the entry is executed when runacct has sufficient time to complete. This will, on the first day of each month, create monthly accounting files with the entire month's data.

    You may wish to verify that an account exists for adm. Also, verify that the PATH shell variable is set in /var/adm/.profile to:


    To start up system accounting, simply type the commands:

    chkconfig acct on



The next time the system is booted, accounting will start.


runacct is the main daily accounting shell procedure. It is normally initiated by cron during nonpeak hours. runacct processes connect, fee, disk, and process accounting files. It also prepares daily and cumulative summary files for use by prdaily or for billing purposes. The following files produced by runacct are of particular interest:


Produced by acctcon, reads the wtmp file and produces usage statistics for each terminal line on the system. This report is especially useful for detecting bad lines. If the ratio between the number of logoffs to logins exceeds about 3/1, it is quite possible that the line is failing.


The total accounting file for the previous day in tacct.h format.


The accumulation of each day's nite/daytacct can be used for billing purposes. It is restarted each month or fiscal period by the monacct procedure.


Produced by the acctcms program. It contains the daily command summary. The ASCII version of this file is nite/daycms.


The accumulation of each day's command summaries. It is restarted by the execution of monacct. The ASCII version is nite/cms.


Produced by the last login shell procedure. It maintains a record of the last time each login name was used.


Each execution of runacct saves a copy of the daily report that can be printed by prdaily.

runacct takes care not to damage files in the event of errors. A series of protection mechanisms are used that attempt to recognize an error, provide intelligent diagnostics, and terminate processing in such a way that runacct can be restarted with minimal intervention. It records its progress by writing descriptive messages into the file active. (Files used by runacct are assumed to be in the nite directory unless otherwise noted.) All diagnostics output during the execution of runacct are written into fd2log. runacct will complain if the files lock and lockl exist when invoked. The lastdate file contains the month and day runacct was last invoked and is used to prevent more than one execution per day. If runacct detects an error, a message is written to /dev/console, mail is sent to root and adm, locks are removed, diagnostic files are saved, and execution is terminated.

To allow runacct to be restartable, processing is broken down into separate reentrant states. A file is used to remember the last state completed. When each state completes, statefile is updated to reflect the next state. After processing for the state is complete, statefile is read and the next state is processed. When runacct reaches the CLEANUP state, it removes the locks and terminates. States are executed as follows:


The command turnacct switch is executed. The process accounting files, /var/adm/pacct?, are moved to /var/adm/Spacct?.MMDD. The /etc/wtmp file is moved to /var/adm/acct/nite/wtmp.MMDD with the current time added on the end.


The wtmpfix program checks the wtmp file in the nite directory for correctness. Some date changes cause acctcon1 to fail, so wtmpfix attempts to adjust the time stamps in the wtmp file if a date change record appears.


Connect session records are written to ctmp in the form of ctmp.h. The lineuse file is created, and the reboots file is created showing all of the boot records found in the wtmp file.

ctmp is converted to ctacct.MMDD, which are connect accounting records. (Accounting records are in tacct.h format.)

The acctprc1 and acctprc2 programs are used to convert the process accounting files, /var/adm/Spacct?.MMDD, into total accounting records in ptacct?.MMDD. The Spacct and ptacct files are correlated by number so that if runacct fails, the unnecessary reprocessing of Spacct files will not occur. One precaution should be noted: when restarting runacct in this state, remove the last ptacct file, because it will not be complete.


Merge the process accounting records with the connect accounting records to form daytacct.


Merge in any ASCII tacct records from the file fee into daytacct.


On the day after the dodisk procedure runs, merge disktacct with daytacct.


Merge daytacct with sum/tacct, the cumulative total accounting file. Each day, daytacct is saved in sum/tacctMMDD, so that sum/tacct can be recreated in case it is corrupted or lost.


Merge in today's command summary with the cumulative command summary file sum/cms. Produce ASCII and internal format command summary files.


Any installation-dependent (local) accounting programs can be included here.


Clean up temporary files, run prdaily and save its output in sum/rprtMMDD, remove the locks, then exit.

Recovering from a Failure

The runacct procedure can fail for a variety of reasons - usually due to a system crash, /usr running out of space, or a corrupted wtmp file. If the activeMMDD file exists, check it first for error messages. If the active file and lock files exist, check fd2log for any mysterious messages. The following are error messages produced by runacct and the recommended recovery actions:

Restarting runacct

The runacct program, called without arguments, assumes that this is the first invocation of the day. The argument MMDD is necessary if runacct is being restarted and specifies the month and day for which runacct will rerun the accounting. The entry point for processing is based on the contents of statefile. To override statefile, include the desired state on the command line. For example, to start runacct, use the command:

nohup runacct 2 /var/adm/acct/nite/fd2log &

To restart runacct:

nohup runacct 0601 2 /var/adm/acct/nite/fd2log &

To restart runacct at a specific state:

nohup runacct 0601 WTMPFIX 2 /var/adm/acct/nite/fd2log &

Fixing Corrupted Files

Sometimes, errors occur in the accounting system, and a file is corrupted or lost. You can ignore some of these errors, or simply restore lost or corrupted files from a backup. However, certain files must be fixed in order to maintain the integrity of the accounting system.

Fixing wtmp Errors

The wtmp files are the most delicate part of the accounting system. When the date is changed and the IRIX system is in multiuser mode, a set of date change records is written into /etc/wtmp. The wtmpfix program is designed to adjust the time stamps in the wtmp records when a date change is encountered. However, some combinations of date changes and reboots will slip through wtmpfix and cause acctcon1 to fail.

The following steps show how to fix a wtmp file:

    cd /var/adm/acct/nite

    fwtmp < wtmp.MMDD > xwtmp

    ed xwtmp

    Delete any corrupted records or delete all records from beginning up to the date change.

    fwtmp -ic <wtmp> wtmp.MMDD

If the wtmp file is beyond repair, remove the file and create an empty wtmp file:

    rm /etc/wtmp

    touch /etc/wtmp

This prevents any charging of connect time. acctprc1 cannot determine which login owned a particular process, but it will be charged to the login that is first in the password file for that user ID.

Fixing tacct Errors

If the installation is using the accounting system to charge users for system resources, the integrity of sum/tacct is quite important. Occasionally, mysterious tacct records appear with negative numbers, duplicate user IDs, or a user ID of 65,535. First check sum/tacctprev with prtacct. If it looks all right, the latest sum/tacct.MMDD should be patched up, then sum/tacct recreated. A simple patchup procedure would be:

    Give the command:

    cd /var/adm/acct/sum 

    Give the command:

    acctmerg -v < tacct.MMDD > xtacct 

    Give the command:

    ed xtacct 

    Remove the bad records.

    Write duplicate UID records to another file.

    Give the command:

    acctmerg -i < xtacc t > tacct.MMDD 

    Give the command:

    acctmerg tacctprev <tacct.MMDD> tacct 

Remember that the monacct procedure removes all the tacct.MMDD files; therefore, you can recreate sum/tacct by merging these files.

Updating Holidays

The file /usr/lib/acct/holidays contains the prime/nonprime table for the accounting system. The table should be edited to reflect your location's holiday schedule for the year. The format is composed of three types of entries:

Daily Reports

runacct generates five basic reports upon each invocation. They cover the areas of connect accounting, usage by person on a daily basis, command usage reported by daily and monthly totals, and a report of the last time users were logged in. The following paragraphs describe the reports and the meanings of their tabulated data.

In the first part of the report, the from/to banner should alert the administrator to the period reported on. The times are the time the last accounting report was generated until the time the current accounting report was generated. It is followed by a log of system reboots, shutdowns, power fail recoveries, and any other record dumped into /etc/wtmp by the acctwtmp program. See the acct(1M) reference page for more information.

The second part of the report is a breakdown of line utilization. The TOTAL DURATION field tells how long the system was in multiuser state (able to be accessed through the terminal lines). The columns are:


The terminal line or access port.


The total number of minutes the line was in use during the accounting period.


The total number of minutes the line was in use divided into the total duration of the accounting period.


The number of times this port was accessed for a login(1) session.

# ON

This column has little significance. It previously gave the number of times that the port was used to log a user on; but since login(1) can no longer be executed explicitly to log in a new user, this column should be identical with SESS.


The number of times a user logged off and also any interrupts that occur on that line. Generally, interrupts occur on a port when the getty(1M) is first invoked after the system is brought to multiuser state. This column comes into play when the # OFF exceeds the # ON by a large factor. This usually indicates that the multiplexer, modem, or cable is going bad, or that there is a bad connection somewhere. The most common cause of this is an unconnected cable dangling from the multiplexer.

During real time, /etc/wtmp should be monitored, since this is the file from which connect accounting is geared. If it grows rapidly, execute acctcon1 to see which line is the noisiest. If the interrupting is occurring at a furious rate, general system performance will be affected.

Daily Usage Report

The daily usage report gives a by-user breakdown of system resource utilization. Its data consists of:


The user ID.


The login name of the user; more than one login name can exist for a single user ID, and this entry identifies which login name used the resource.


The amount of time the user's process used the central processing unit. This category is broken down into PRIME and NPRIME (nonprime) utilization. The accounting system's idea of this breakdown is located in the /usr/lib/acct/holidays file. As delivered, prime time is defined to be 0900 through 1700 hours.


A cumulative measure of the amount of memory a process uses while running. The amount shown reflects kilobyte segments of memory used per minute. This measurement is also broken down into PRIME and NPRIME amounts.


The amount of time that a user was logged into the system. If this time is high and # OF PROCS is low, this indicates that the user was logged in for a long period of time without actually using the system. This column is also subdivided into PRIME and NPRIME utilization.


When the disk accounting programs have been run, the output is merged into the total accounting record (tacct.h) and shows up in this column. This disk accounting is accomplished by the program acctdusg.


The number of processes invoked by the user. Large numbers in this column indicate that a user may have had a shell running out of control.


Number of times the user logged onto the system.


Number of times disk accounting was run to obtain the average number of DISK BLOCKS listed earlier.


An often unused field in the total accounting record, the FEE field represents the total accumulation of widgets charged against the user by the chargefee shell procedure. See acctsh(1M). The chargefee procedure is used to levy charges against a user for special services performed such as file restores, and so on.

Daily Command and Monthly Total Command Summaries

These two reports are virtually the same except that the Daily Command Summary reports only on the current accounting period, while the Monthly Total Command Summary tells the story for the start of the fiscal period to the current date. In other words, the monthly report reflects the data accumulated since the last invocation of monacct.

The data included in these reports tells an administrator which commands are used most heavily. Based on those commands' characteristics of system resource utilization, the administrator can decide what to weigh more heavily when system tuning.

These reports are sorted by TOTAL KCOREMIN, which is an arbitrary yardstick but often a good one for calculating ''drain'' on a system.


The name of the command. Unfortunately, all shell procedures are lumped together under the name sh since only object modules are reported by the process accounting system. The administrator should monitor the frequency of programs called a.out or core or any other name that does not seem quite right. Often people like to work on their favorite version of a personal program, but they do not want everyone to know about it. acctcom is also a good tool for determining who executed a suspiciously named command and also to see if superuser privileges were abused.


The total number of invocations of this particular command.


The total cumulative measurement of the amount of kilobyte segments of memory used by a process per minute of run time.


The total processing time this program has accumulated.


The total real-time (wall-clock) minutes this program has accumulated. This total is the actual ''waited for'' time as opposed to kicking off a process in the background.


The mean of the TOTAL KCOREMIN over the number of invocations reflected by NUMBER CMDS.


The mean derived between the NUMBER CMDS and TOTAL CPU-MIN.


This gives a relative measure of the total available CPU time consumed by the process during its execution. It is a measurement of the ratio of system availability to system utilization. It is computed by the formula:

total CPU time / elapsed time


This column, which may contain a negative value, is a total count of the number of characters pushed around by the read(2) and write(2) system calls.


A total count of the physical block reads and writes that a process performed.

Files in the /var/adm Directory

The files listed here are located in the /var/adm directory:


diagnostic output during the execution of disk accounting programs


output from the acctdusg program


output from the chargefee program, ASCII tacct records


active process accounting file


process accounting files switched by turnacct


process accounting files for MMDD during execution of runacct

Files in the /var/adm/acct/nite Directory

The following files are located in the /var/adm/acct/nite directory:


used by runacct to record progress and print warning and error messages. activeMMDD is the same as active after runacct detects an error


ASCII total command summary used by prdaily


connect accounting records in tawcct.h format


output of acctcon1 program, connect session records in ctmp.h format


ASCII daily command summary used by prdaily


total accounting records for one day in tacct.h format


disk accounting records in tacct.h format, created by dodisk procedure


diagnostic output during execution of runacct (see cron entry)


last day runacct executed in date +%m%d format

lock lock1

used to control serial use of runacct


tty line usage report used by prdaily


diagnostic output from acctcon1


same as log after runacct detects an error


contains beginning and ending dates from wtmp and contains a listing of reboots


used to record current state during execution of runacct


wtmp file corrected by wtmpfix


place for wtmpfix error messages


same as wtmperror after runacct detects an error


previous day's wtmp file

Files in the /var/adm/acct/sum Directory

The following files are located in the /var/adm/acct/sum directory:


total command summary file for current fiscal period in internal summary format


command summary file without latest update


command summary file for yesterday in internal summary format


created by lastlogin


concatenated version of all pacct files for MMDD, removed by remove procedure after reboot


saved output of prdaily programs


cumulative total accounting file for current fiscal period


same as tacct without latest update


total accounting file for MMDD


saved copy of wtmp file for MMDD, removed by remove procedure after reboot

Files in the /var/adm/acct/fiscal Directory

The following files are located in the /var/adm/acct/fiscal directory:


total command summary file for fiscal? in internal summary format


report similar to prdaily for fiscal?


total accounting file for fiscal?

Summary of IRIX Accounting

The IRIX accounting system is designed to work as smoothly as possible. However, it is a complex system. If you plan to use the accounting system, it is a good idea to study carefully the reference pages for the various accounting programs. Also, keep accurate records in your system log books of how you set up the accounting system and how you changed it.

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