qstat Manual PageNAME qstat - show status of batch jobs SYNOPSIS qstat [-f][-W site_specific] [job_identifier... | destination...] qstat -Q [-f][-W site_specific] [destination...] qstat -B [-f][-W site_specific] [server_name...] DESCRIPTION The qstat command is used to request the status of jobs, queues, or a batch server. The requested status is written to standard out. When requesting job status, synopsis format 1, qstat will output information about each job_identifier or all jobs at each destination. If no operand is specified, all jobs at the default destination, see the PBS ERS section , the "Default Server". Jobs for which the user does not have status privilege are not displayed. When requesting queue status, synopsis format 2, qstat will output information about each destination. OPTIONS -f Specifies that a full display be written to standard out. There is a default display for all types of status information which shows all the information available for the object being displayed. If qstat is compiled with an option to include a Tcl interpreter, this flag causes a check to be made for a script file to use to output the requested information. The first location checked is $HOME/.qstatrc. If this does not exist, the next location checked is /etc/qstatrc. If one of these is found, a Tcl interpreter is started and the script file is passed to it along with two global variables. The command line arguments are passed in a variable named argv and the status information is passed in a variable named objects . Both of these variables are Tcl lists. The first element in each object in the objects list is the type of object given by one of the following strings: "server", "queue" or "job". The second element will be the object name. The third element will be a list of attributes. The forth element will be the object text. Each attribute in the third element list will be a list with two elements. The first will be the attribute name and the second will be the attribute value. -Q Specifies that the request is for queue status and that the operand is a destination identifier. -B Specifies that the request is for batch server status and that the operand is the name of a server. OPERANDS If neither the -Q nor the -B option is given, the operands on the qstat command must be either job identifiers or destinations identifiers. If the operand is a job identifier, it must be in the following form: sequence_number[.server_name][@server] where sequence_number.server_name is the job identifier assigned at submittal time, see qsub. If the .server_name is omitted, the name of the default server will be used. If @server is supplied, the request will be for the job identifier currently at that Server. If the operand is a destination identifier, it is one of the following three forms: queue @server queue@server If queue is specified, the request is for status of all jobs in that queue at the default server. If the @server form is given, the request is for status of all jobs at that server. If a full destination identifier, queue@server, is given, the request is for status of all jobs in the named queue at the named server. If the -Q option is given, the operands are destination identifiers as specified above. If queue is specified, the status of that queue at the default server will be given. If queue@server is specified, the status of the named queue at the named server will be given. If @server is specified or there is no destination specified, the status of all queues at the named server will be given. If the -B option is given, the operand is the name of a server. STANDARD OUTPUT If job status is being displayed and the -f option is not specified, the following items are displayed on a single line, in the specified order, separated by white space: - the job identifier assigned by PBS. - the job name given by the submitter. - the job owner - the CPU time used - the job state: E - Job is exiting after having run. H - Job is held. Q - job is queued, eligable to run or routed. R - job is running. T - job is being moved to new location. W - job is waiting for its execution time (-a option) to be reached. S - (Unicos only) job is suspend. - the queue in which the job resides If job status is being displayed and the -f option is specified, the full display for each job consist of the header line: Job Id: job identifier Followed by one line per job attribute of the form: attribute_name = value If queue status is being displayed and the -f option was not specified, the following items are displayed on a single line, in the specified order, separated by white space: - the queue name - the maximum number of jobs that may be run in the queue concurrently - the total number of jobs in the queue - the enable or disabled status of the queue - the started or stopped status of the queue - for each job state, the name of the state and the number of jobs in the queue in that state. - the type of queue, execution or routing. If queue status is being displayed and the -f option was specified, the full display for each job consist of the header line: Queue: queue_name Followed by one line per queue attribute of the form: attribute_name = value If batch server status is being displayed and the -f option is not specified, the following items are displayed on a single line, in the specified order, separated by white space: - the server name - the maximum number of jobs that the server may run concurrently - the total number of jobs currently managed by the server - the status of the server - for each job state, the name of the state and the number of jobs in the server in that state If server status is being displayed and the -f option is specified, the full display for the server consist of the header line: Server: server name Followed by one line per server attribute of the form: attribute_name = value STANDARD ERROR The qstat command will write a diagnostic message to standard error for each error occurrence. EXIT STATUS Upon successful processing of all the operands presented to the qstat command, the exit status will be a value of zero. If the qstat command fails to process any operand, the command exits with a value greater than zero. SEE ALSO qalter(1B), qsub(1B), pbs_alterjob(3B), pbs_statjob(3B), pbs_statque(3B), pbs_statserver(3B), pbs_submit(3B), pbs_job_attributes(7B), pbs_queue_attributes(7B), pbs_server_attributes(7B), pbs_resources_*(7B) where * is system type, and the PBS ERS. |