sgemt, dgemt, cgemt, zgemt 


  {S,D,C,Z}GEMT  ( trans, m, n, alpha, a, lda, b, ldb )


  trans               character*1
                      On entry, specifies the form of op(A) as follows:

                      When trans = 'N' or

                      When trans = 'T' or

                      When trans = 'R' or

                      When trans = 'C' or
                      On exit, trans is unchanged.

  m                   integer*4
                      On entry, the number of rows in the matrices (op)A and
                      B; m >= 0.
                      On exit, m is unchanged.

  n                    integer*4
                      On entry, the number of columns in the matrices (op)A,
                      and B; n >= 0.
                      On exit, n is unchanged.

  alpha               real*4 | real*8 | complex*8 | complex*16
                      On entry, specifies the scalar alpha.
                      On exit, alpha is unchanged.

  a                   real*4 | real*8 | complex*8 | complex*16
                      On entry, a two-dimensional array A with dimensions lda
                      by k.
                      For (op)A = A  or  conjugate(A), k = n  and the leading
                      m by n part of array A contains the matrix A.
                      For (op)A = transp(A)  or  conjug_transp(A), k = m and
                      the leading n by m part of array A contains the matrix
                      On exit, a is unchanged.

  lda                 integer*4
                      On entry, specifies the first dimension of array A.
                      For (op)A = A  or  conjugate(A), lda >= MAX(1, m).
                      For (op)A = transp(A)  or  conjug_transp(A), lda >=
                      MAX(1, n).
                      On exit, lda is unchanged.

  b                   real*4 | real*8 | complex*8 | complex*16
                      On entry, an array with dimensions ldb by n.
                      On exit, the leading m by n part of the array B  is
                      overwritten by the matrix alpha*op(A).

  ldb                 integer*4
                      On entry, specifies the first dimension of array B; ldb
                      >= MAX(1, m).
                      On exit, ldb is unchanged.


  The _GEMT routines perform the following operation: 

		B  =  alpha * op(A)
  (op)(X) = X, transp(X), conjugate(X), or  conjug_transp(X) , alpha is a scalar, 
  and A and B are matrices. (op)A and B are m by n matrices.

  These subroutines can also perform matrix scaling when lda = ldb, and 
  trans=  'N', 'n', 'R', or 'r':

		A  =  alpha * op(A)

  where (op)(X) = X  or    conjugate(X) , alpha is a scalar, and A and (op)A
  are m by n matrices.

  An in place matrix transpose or conjugate transpose may be performed when
  lda = ldb, trans = 'T', 't', 'C', or 'c' and m = n:

		A  =  alpha * op(A)
  where (op)(X) = transp(X)  or conjug_transp(X), alpha is a scalar, and A
  and (op)A are m by n matrices.

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