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In this section, we present some of the notation we use
throughout the book.
We have tried to use standard notation that would be found
in any current publication on the subjects covered.
Throughout, we follow several conventions:
- Matrices are denoted by capital letters.
- Vectors are denoted by lowercase letters.
- Lowercase Greek letters usually denote scalars, for instance
- Matrix elements are denoted by doubly indexed lowercase letter,
- Matrix subblocks are denoted by doubly indexed uppercase letters.
We define matrix
of dimension
and block dimension
as follows:

We define vector
of dimension
as follows:

Other notation is as follows:
(or simply
if the size is clear from the
context) denotes the identity matrix.
= diag
denotes that matrix
has elements
on its diagonal, and zeros everywhere else.
denotes the
th element of vector
th iteration
Jack Dongarra
Mon Nov 20 08:52:54 EST 1995