8.4. Network Function Files

Red Hat Linux makes use of several files that contain important common functions used to bring interfaces up and down. Rather than forcing each interface control file to contain these functions, they are grouped together in a few files that are called upon when necessary.

The /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/network-functions file contains the most commonly used IPv4 functions, which are useful to many interface control scripts. These functions include contacting running programs that have requested information about changes in an interface's status, setting hostnames, finding a gateway device, seeing if a particular device is down, and adding a default route.

As the functions required for IPv6 interfaces are different than IPv4 interfaces, a network-functions-ipv6 file exists specifically to hold this information. IPv6 support must be enabled in the kernel in order to communicate via that protocol. A function is present in the network-functions file that checks for the presence of IPv6 support. Additionally, functions that configure and delete static IPv6 routes, create and remove tunnels, add and remove IPv6 addresses to an interface, and test for the existence of an IPv6 address on an interface can be found in this file.