Floating-point Arithmetic Operations for Streaming SIMD Extensions 2

The arithmetic operations for the Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 are listed in the following table and are followed by descriptions of each intrinsic.

The prototypes for Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 intrinsics are in the emmintrin.h header file.

Operation R0
_mm_add_sd ADDSD Addition a0 [op] b0 a1
_mm_add_pd ADDPD Addition a0 [op] b0 a1 [op] b1
_mm_sub_sd SUBSD Subtraction a0 [op] b0 a1
_mm_sub_pd SUBPD Subtraction a0 [op] b0 a1 [op] b1
_mm_mul_sd MULSD Multiplication a0 [op] b0 a1
_mm_mul_pd MULPD Multiplication a0 [op] b0 a1 [op] b1
_mm_div_sd DIVSD Division a0 [op] b0 a1
_mm_div_pd DIVPD Division a0 [op] b0 a1 [op] b1
_mm_sqrt_sd SQRTSD Computes Square Root a0 [op] b0 a1
_mm_sqrt_pd SQRTPD Computes Square Root a0 [op] b0 a1 [op] b1
_mm_min_sd MINSD Computes Minimum a0 [op] b0 a1
_mm_min_pd MINPD Computes Minimum a0 [op] b0 a1 [op] b1
_mm_max_sd MAXSD Computes Maximum a0 [op] b0 a1
_mm_max_pd MAXPD Computes Maximum a0 [op] b0 a1 [op] b1

__m128d _mm_add_sd(__m128d a, __m128d b)

Adds the lower DP FP (double-precision, floating-point) values of a and b ; the upper DP FP value is passed through from a.
r0 := a0 + b0
r1 := a1

__m128d _mm_add_pd(__m128d a, __m128d b)

Adds the two DP FP values of a and b.
r0 := a0 + b0
r1 := a1 + b1

__m128d _mm_sub_sd(__m128d a, __m128d b)

Subtracts the lower DP FP value of b from a. The upper DP FP value is passed through from a.
r0 := a0 - b0
r1 := a1

__m128d _mm_sub_pd(__m128d a, __m128d b)

Subtracts the two DP FP values of b from a.
r0 := a0 - b0
r1 := a1 - b1

__m128d _mm_mul_sd(__m128d a, __m128d b)

Multiplies the lower DP FP values of a and b. The upper DP FP is passed through from a.
r0 := a0 * b0
r1 := a1

__m128d _mm_mul_pd(__m128d a, __m128d b)

Multiplies the two DP FP values of a and b.
r0 := a0 * b0
r1 := a1 * b1

__m128d _mm_div_sd(__m128d a, __m128d b)

Divides the lower DP FP values of a and b. The upper DP FP value is passed through from a.
r0 := a0 / b0
r1 := a1

__m128d _mm_div_pd(__m128d a, __m128d b)

Divides the two DP FP values of a and b.
r0 := a0 / b0
r1 := a1 / b1

__m128d _mm_sqrt_sd(__m128d a, __m128d b)

Computes the square root of the lower DP FP value of b. The upper DP FP value is passed through from a.
r0 := sqrt(b0)
r1 := a1

__m128d _mm_sqrt_pd(__m128d a)

Computes the square roots of the two DP FP values of a.
r0 := sqrt(a0)
r1 := sqrt(a1)

__m128d _mm_min_sd(__m128d a, __m128d b)

Computes the minimum of the lower DP FP values of a and b. The upper DP FP value is passed through from a.
r0 := min (a0, b0)
r1 := a1

__m128d _mm_min_pd(__m128d a, __m128d b)

Computes the minima of the two DP FP values of a and b.
r0 := min(a0, b0)
r1 := min(a1, b1)

__m128d _mm_max_sd(__m128d a, __m128d b)

Computes the maximum of the lower DP FP values of a and b. The upper DP FP value is passed through from a.
r0 := max (a0, b0)
r1 := a1

__m128d _mm_max_pd(__m128d a, __m128d b)

Computes the maxima of the two DP FP values of a and b.
r0 := max(a0, b0)
r1 := max(a1, b1)