The following section describes command-line options specific to UNIX ABI, for restricting the floating-point register range, and defining the kernel mode calling convention. They must be used in conjuction with the -F ELF64 option.
-M rfp |
AS restricts floating-point registers to the
range F6 - F11. This results in less register
saves and restores when entering and exiting the kernel, thereby reducing
system time. Attempts to use other floating-point registers cause an error. |
-M const_gp |
IAS sets the single global pointer (GP) model
in the object file. The kernel is then considered a single model, with
one GP. |
-M no_plabel |
IAS sets the model in the object file to single
GP and no function descriptors (plabels). As with the -M
const_gp option, the kernel is then considered a single GP and
doesn’t use plabels. |