Gateway to OpenGL Info

This page contains collects links to various sources of information on OpenGL, the fastest and most widely available programming interface for 3D and imaging. The topics and links are in no particular order.

OpenGL Overviews

OpenGL for the X Window System

OpenGL Tutorials

OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT)

Mesa 3D Graphics Library (freeware OpenGL-like implementation)

OpenGL for Windows 95 and NT

SGI OpenGL for Windows

OpenGL Implementation Information

OpenGL with Fortran

Silicon Graphics OpenGL Documentation

Books on OpenGL

Free OpenGL-related Software

OpenGL Benchmarks

Graphics Hardware Designed for OpenGL

Higher-level OpenGL libraries

OpenGL for OS/2

OpenGL for NeXTStep

OpenGL for Macintosh

OpenGL for BeOS

OpenGL Personalities

OpenGL for Linux

OpenGL SIGGRAPH '96 Courses

OpenGL Architectural Review Board

Vendor Support for OpenGL

Available OpenGL-based Software

Courses using OpenGL

Gaming with OpenGL

OpenGL-based Rendering Techniques

OpenGL in Japan

3D and 2D file formats and sample files

Random OpenGL Related Links

- Mark Kilgard