The GSVD algorithm used in LAPACK ([83,10,8]) is backward stable:
Let the computed GSVD of A and B beand
. This is nearly the exact GSVD of A+E and B+F in the following sense. E and F are small:
there exist small,
, and
such that
, and
are exactly orthogonal (or unitary):
is the exact GSVD of A+E and B+F. Here p(n) is a modestly growing function of n, and we take p(n)=1 in the above code fragment.
be the square roots of the diagonal entries of the exact
, and let
the square roots of the diagonal entries of the computed
. Let
Then provided G andhave full rank n, one can show [96,82] that
In the code fragment we approximate the numerator of the last expression byand approximate the denominator by
in order to compute SERRBD; STRCON returns an approximation RCOND to
We assume that the rank r of G equals n,
because otherwise the
s and
s are not well determined. For example, if
The reason the code fragment assumes
is that in this case
is stored overwritten on A, and can be passed to STRCON in
order to compute RCOND. If
, then the first m rows of
are stored in A, and the last n-m rows
are stored in B. This complicates the computation of RCOND:
must be copied to a single array before calling STRCON, or else the lower
level subroutine SLACON must be used with code capable of solving linear
equations with
as coefficient matrices.