SLATEC Common Mathematical Library -- Table of Contents

SECTION I. User-callable Routines
Category R. Service routines

         R1.  Machine-dependent constants
         R2.  Error checking
         R3.  Error handling
R1.  Machine-dependent constants

          I1MACH-I  Return integer machine dependent constants.
          R1MACH-S  Return floating point machine dependent constants.
R2.  Error checking (e.g., check monotonicity)
          GAMLIM-S  Compute the minimum and maximum bounds for the argument in
          DGAMLM-D  the Gamma function.
R3.  Error handling
          FDUMP-A   Symbolic dump (should be locally written).
R3A.  Set criteria for fatal errors
          XSETF-A   Set the error control flag.
R3B.  Set unit number for error messages
          XSETUA-A  Set logical unit numbers (up to 5) to which error
                    messages are to be sent.
          XSETUN-A  Set output file to which error messages are to be sent.
R3C.  Other utility programs
          NUMXER-I  Return the most recent error number.
          XERCLR-A  Reset current error number to zero.
          XERDMP-A  Print the error tables and then clear them.
          XERMAX-A  Set maximum number of times any error message is to be
          XERMSG-A  Process error messages for SLATEC and other libraries.
          XGETF-A   Return the current value of the error control flag.
          XGETUA-A  Return unit number(s) to which error messages are being
          XGETUN-A  Return the (first) output file to which error messages
                    are being sent.