F1. Single equation F2. System of equations F3. Service routines F1. Single equation F1A. Smooth F1A1. Polynomial F1A1A. Real coefficients RPQR79-S Find the zeros of a polynomial with real coefficients. CPQR79-C RPZERO-S Find the zeros of a polynomial with real coefficients. CPZERO-C F1A1B. Complex coefficients CPQR79-C Find the zeros of a polynomial with complex coefficients. RPQR79-S CPZERO-C Find the zeros of a polynomial with complex coefficients. RPZERO-S F1B. General (no smoothness assumed) FZERO-S Search for a zero of a function F(X) in a given interval DFZERO-D (B,C). It is designed primarily for problems where F(B) and F(C) have opposite signs. F2. System of equations F2A. Smooth SNSQ-S Find a zero of a system of a N nonlinear functions in N DNSQ-D variables by a modification of the Powell hybrid method. SNSQE-S An easy-to-use code to find a zero of a system of N DNSQE-D nonlinear functions in N variables by a modification of the Powell hybrid method. SOS-S Solve a square system of nonlinear equations. DSOS-D F3. Service routines (e.g., check user-supplied derivatives) CHKDER-S Check the gradients of M nonlinear functions in N DCKDER-D variables, evaluated at a point X, for consistency with the functions themselves.