*DECK TEVLC SUBROUTINE TEVLC (N, D, E2, IERR) C***BEGIN PROLOGUE TEVLC C***SUBSIDIARY C***PURPOSE Subsidiary to CBLKTR C***LIBRARY SLATEC C***TYPE SINGLE PRECISION (TEVLC-S) C***AUTHOR (UNKNOWN) C***DESCRIPTION C C This subroutine finds the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal C matrix by the rational QL method. C C On Input- C C N is the order of the matrix, C C D contains the diagonal elements of the input matrix, C C E2 contains the subdiagonal elements of the input matrix C in its last N-1 positions. E2(1) is arbitrary. C C On Output- C C D contains the eigenvalues in ascending order. If an C error exit is made, the eigenvalues are correct and C ordered for indices 1,2,...IERR-1, but may not be C the smallest eigenvalues, C C E2 has been destroyed, C C IERR is set to C ZERO for normal return, C J if the J-th eigenvalue has not been C determined after 30 iterations. C C***SEE ALSO CBLKTR C***REFERENCES C. H. Reinsch, Eigenvalues of a real, symmetric, tri- C diagonal matrix, Algorithm 464, Communications of the C ACM 16, 11 (November 1973), pp. 689. C***ROUTINES CALLED (NONE) C***COMMON BLOCKS CCBLK C***REVISION HISTORY (YYMMDD) C 801001 DATE WRITTEN C 890831 Modified array declarations. (WRB) C 891214 Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format. (BAB) C 900402 Added TYPE section. (WRB) C 920528 DESCRIPTION revised and REFERENCES section added. (WRB) C***END PROLOGUE TEVLC