*DECK DCHFEV SUBROUTINE DCHFEV (X1, X2, F1, F2, D1, D2, NE, XE, FE, NEXT, IERR) C***BEGIN PROLOGUE DCHFEV C***PURPOSE Evaluate a cubic polynomial given in Hermite form at an C array of points. While designed for use by DPCHFE, it may C be useful directly as an evaluator for a piecewise cubic C Hermite function in applications, such as graphing, where C the interval is known in advance. C***LIBRARY SLATEC (PCHIP) C***CATEGORY E3 C***TYPE DOUBLE PRECISION (CHFEV-S, DCHFEV-D) C***KEYWORDS CUBIC HERMITE EVALUATION, CUBIC POLYNOMIAL EVALUATION, C PCHIP C***AUTHOR Fritsch, F. N., (LLNL) C Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory C P.O. Box 808 (L-316) C Livermore, CA 94550 C FTS 532-4275, (510) 422-4275 C***DESCRIPTION C C DCHFEV: Cubic Hermite Function EValuator C C Evaluates the cubic polynomial determined by function values C F1,F2 and derivatives D1,D2 on interval (X1,X2) at the points C XE(J), J=1(1)NE. C C ---------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Calling sequence: C C INTEGER NE, NEXT(2), IERR C DOUBLE PRECISION X1, X2, F1, F2, D1, D2, XE(NE), FE(NE) C C CALL DCHFEV (X1,X2, F1,F2, D1,D2, NE, XE, FE, NEXT, IERR) C C Parameters: C C X1,X2 -- (input) endpoints of interval of definition of cubic. C (Error return if X1.EQ.X2 .) C C F1,F2 -- (input) values of function at X1 and X2, respectively. C C D1,D2 -- (input) values of derivative at X1 and X2, respectively. C C NE -- (input) number of evaluation points. (Error return if C NE.LT.1 .) C C XE -- (input) real*8 array of points at which the function is to C be evaluated. If any of the XE are outside the interval C [X1,X2], a warning error is returned in NEXT. C C FE -- (output) real*8 array of values of the cubic function C defined by X1,X2, F1,F2, D1,D2 at the points XE. C C NEXT -- (output) integer array indicating number of extrapolation C points: C NEXT(1) = number of evaluation points to left of interval. C NEXT(2) = number of evaluation points to right of interval. C C IERR -- (output) error flag. C Normal return: C IERR = 0 (no errors). C "Recoverable" errors: C IERR = -1 if NE.LT.1 . C IERR = -2 if X1.EQ.X2 . C (The FE-array has not been changed in either case.) C C***REFERENCES (NONE) C***ROUTINES CALLED XERMSG C***REVISION HISTORY (YYMMDD) C 811019 DATE WRITTEN C 820803 Minor cosmetic changes for release 1. C 870813 Corrected XERROR calls for d.p. names(s). C 890206 Corrected XERROR calls. C 890411 Added SAVE statements (Vers. 3.2). C 890531 Changed all specific intrinsics to generic. (WRB) C 890703 Corrected category record. (WRB) C 890831 Modified array declarations. (WRB) C 891006 Cosmetic changes to prologue. (WRB) C 891006 REVISION DATE from Version 3.2 C 891214 Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format. (BAB) C 900315 CALLs to XERROR changed to CALLs to XERMSG. (THJ) C***END PROLOGUE DCHFEV