HELP Sep. 15, 1984 F77/TP_EX1.F c sample program to illustrate reading unblocked tape c c this reads an unblocked tape (80 char/record). c it reads col 1-5 and 6-10 as integer fields c into ix1 and ix2 and prints them out. integer tlu character*80 rec logical eof nmrecs = 0 tlu = 1 call tpopen( tlu, .false., .false. ) 10 call getrec( tlu, rec, eof ) if( eof ) go to 900 nmrecs = nmrecs + 1 read ( rec, 8100 ) ix1, ix2 8100 format( 2i5 ) print 8110, ix1, ix2 8110 format( 1x,2i5 ) go to 10 900 continue end c ------------------------------ getrec() ------------------------- subroutine getrec( tlu, record, eof ) integer tlu character record*(*) logical eof c getrec() returns in the character variable 'record' c the next record on the tape c parameters: c tlu - the "tape logical unit" as described in c "man 3f topen". getrec() assumes topen() c was called by the calling program. c record - buffer in which the record is returned c eof - set to .true. after all records read. integer tread nbytes = tread(tlu, record) if(nbytes .eq. 0 ) then eof = .true. return else if( then call perror("getrec:") - 1 - HELP Sep. 15, 1984 F77/TP_EX1.F call tperr("tread() error:", nbytes) else if( then call tperr("tread() error, wrong # of bytes read:", . nbytes) endif eof = .false. return end c ------------------------------ tperr() -------------------------- subroutine tperr( string, value ) character string*(*) integer value write( 0, 8000 ) string, value 8000 format("tape I/O error: ",a,i6) call exit(1) end c ------------------------------ tpopen() ------------------------- subroutine tpopen( tlu, label, rew ) integer tlu logical label, rew c open tape logical unit 'tlu' to device named in c environment variable 'tape1'. c 'label' is an input parameter which is .true. for c labeled tapes. c if 'rew' is .true., tape is rewound by tpopen(). character tpdev*50 integer retcde, topen, trewin call getenv( 'tape1', tpdev ) if(tpdev .eq. ' ') call tperr("tape1 = ' '", 0 ) retcde = topen(tlu, tpdev(:lnblnk(tpdev)), label ) if(retcde .ne. 0) then call perror("tpopen") call tperr("topen() failed, error:", retcde) endif if(rew) then retcde = trewin( tlu ) if(retcde .ne. 0) then call perror("tpopen") call tperr("trewin() failed, error:", retcde) endif endif end - 2 -