Help Files: Fortran77: Plotting

     HELP                      Sep. 15, 1984              F77/PLOTTING

                           Plotting and Graphics

     The Fortran callable graphics routines are described in  "man  3f
     plot".   These are primitive routines for plotting points, lines,
     arcs, and text.  They are designed to work with  graphics  termi-

     From Fortran, printer plots can be made using several  IMSL  sub-
     routines  in  chapter U of the IMSL manual.  Those routines print
     horizontal and vertical histograms and graph functions.

     The UNIX graph command (see "man 1g graph")  reads  data  from  a
     file  to plot points and lines and can be used with the same dev-
     ices as the basic plotting routines mentioned above.

     S, a statistical package available on some UNIX systems, includes
     some graphics capabilities.

     One way to use graph or S is to run the Fortran  program  writing
     the  output  to  a  file  and then run the graphics package.  The
     graphics packages can also be run reading the output of the  For-
     tran  program from a pipe.  Another way is to call the package at
     appropriate times during the execution of the Fortran program us-
     ing the subroutine system(), as in:

              ... code writing to file plotin
           call system('graph plotin | plot -T4014')

     For up to date information on graphics facilities, see  the  con-

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