Help Files: Fortran77: IO Details

     HELP                      June 15, 1985            F77/IO_DETAILS

                    Introduction to the f77 I/O Library
                              David L. Wasley

          The f77 I/O library, libI77.a, includes routines to perform
     all of the standard types of Fortran input and output.  Several
     enhancements and extensions to Fortran I/O have been added.  The
     f77 library routines use the C stdio library routines to provide
     efficient buffering for file I/O.

     1.  Fortran I/O

          The requirements of the ANSI standard impose significant
     overhead on programs that do large amounts of I/O. Formatted I/O
     can be very ``expensive'' while direct access binary I/O is usu-
     ally very efficient.  Because of the complexity of Fortran I/O,
     some general concepts deserve clarification.

     1.1.  Types of I/O

          There are three forms of I/O: 'formatted', 'unformatted',
     and 'list-directed'.  The last is related to formatted but does
     not obey all the rules for formatted I/O.  There are two modes of
     access to 'external' and 'internal' files: 'direct' and 'sequen-
     tial'.  The definition of a logical record depends upon the com-
     bination of I/O form and mode specified by the Fortran I/O state-

     1.1.1.  Direct access

          A logical record in a 'direct' access 'external' file is a
     string of bytes of a length specified when the file is opened.
     Read and write statements must not specify logical records longer
     than the original record size definition. Shorter logical records
     are allowed.  'Unformatted' direct writes leave the unfilled part
     of the record undefined.  'Formatted' direct writes cause the un-
     filled record to be padded with blanks.

     1.1.2.  Sequential access

          Logical records in 'sequentially' accessed 'external' files
     may be of arbitrary and variable length.  Logical record length
     for 'unformatted' sequential files is determined by the size of
     items in the iolist.  The requirements of this form of I/O cause
     the external physical record size to be somewhat larger than the
     logical record size.  For 'formatted' write statements, logical
     record length is determined by the format statement interacting
     with the iolist at execution time.  The ``newline'' character is
     the logical record delimiter.  Formatted sequential access causes
     one or more logical records ending with ``newline'' characters to
     be read or written.

     1.1.3.  List directed I/O

          Logical record length for 'list-directed' I/O is relatively
     meaningless.  On output, the record length is dependent on the
     magnitude of the data items.  On input, the record length is
     determined by the data types and the file contents.  By ANSI de-
     finition, a slash, ``/'', terminates execution of a list-directed
     input operation.

     1.1.4.  Internal I/O

          The logical record length for an 'internal' read or write is
     the length of the character variable or array element. Thus a
     simple character variable is a single logical record. A character
     variable array is similar to a fixed length direct access file,
     and obeys the same rules.  'Unformatted' I/O is not allowed on
     "internal" files.

     1.2.  I/O execution

          Note that each execution of a Fortran 'unformatted' I/O
     statement causes a single logical record to be read or written.
     Each execution of a Fortran 'formatted' I/O statement causes one
     or more logical records to be read or written.

          A slash, ``/'', will terminate assignment of values to the
     input list during 'list-directed' input and the remainder of the
     current input line is skipped.  The standard is rather vague on
     this point but seems to require that a new external logical
     record be found at the start of any formatted input. Therefore
     data following the slash is ignored and may be used to comment
     the data file.

          'Direct access list-directed' I/O is not allowed.  'Unfor-
     matted internal' I/O is not allowed.  Both the above will be
     caught by the compiler.  All other flavors of I/O are allowed,
     although some are not part of the ANSI standard.

          Any I/O statement may include an 'err=' clause to specify an
     alternative branch to be taken on errors and/or an 'iostat='
     clause to return the specific error code.  Any error detected
     during I/O processing will cause the program to abort unless ei-
     ther 'err=' or 'iostat=' has been specificed in the program.
     Read statements may include 'end=' to branch on end-of-file.  The
     end-of-file indication for that logical unit may be reset with a
     'backspace' statement.  File position and the value of I/O list
     items is undefined following an error.

     2.  Implementation details

          Some details of the current implementation may be useful in
     understanding constraints on Fortran I/O.

     2.1.  Number of logical units

          Unit numbers must be in the range 0 - 99.  The maximum
     number of logical units that a program may have open at one time
     is the same as the UNIX system limit, currently 48.

     2.2.  Standard logical units

          By default, logical units 0, 5, and 6 are opened to
     ``stderr'', ``stdin'', and ``stdout'' respectively.  However they
     can be re-defined with an 'open' statement.  To preserve error
     reporting, it is an error to close logical unit 0 although it may
     be reopened to another file.

          If you want to open the default file name for any precon-
     nected logical unit, remember to 'close' the unit first.  Rede-
     fining the standard units may impair normal console I/O.  An al-
     ternative is to use shell re-direction to externally re-define
     the above units.  To re-define default blank control or format of
     the standard input or output files, use the 'open' statement
     specifying the unit number and no file name (see section 2.4).

          The standard units, 0, 5, and 6, are named internally
     ``stderr'', ``stdin'', and ``stdout'' respectively.  These are
     not actual file names and can not be used for opening these un-
     its.  'Inquire' will not return these names and will indicate
     that the above units are not named unless they have been opened
     to real files.  The names are meant to make error reporting more

     2.3.  Vertical format control

          Simple vertical format control is implemented. The logical
     unit must be opened for sequential access with "form = 'print'"
     (see section 3.2).  Control codes ``0'' and ``1'' are replaced in
     the output file with ``\n'' and ``\f'' respectively.  The control
     character ``+'' is not implemented and, like any other character
     in the first position of a record written to a ``print'' file, is

          An alternative is to use the filter 'fpr'(1) for vertical
     format control.  It replaces ``0'' and ``1'' by ``\n'' and ``\f''
     respectively, and implements the ``+'' control code.  Unlike
     "form = 'print'" which drops unrecognized form control charac-
     ters, 'fpr' copies those characters to the output file.

          No vertical format control is recognized for 'direct format-
     ted' output or 'list directed' output.

     2.4.  File names and the open statement

          A file name may be specified in an 'open' statement for the
     logical unit.  If a logical unit is opened by an 'open' statement
     which does not specify a file name, or it is opened implicitly by
     the execution of a 'read', 'write', 'backspace' or 'rewind'
     statement, then the default file name is ``fort.N'' where N is
     the logical unit number.  Before opening the file, the library
     checks for an environment variable with a name identical to the
     tail of the file name with periods removed.  If it finds such an
     environment variable, it uses its value as the actual name of the
     file.  For example, a program containing:

          read(32,100) vec
          write(44) vec

     normally will read from '/usr/guest/census/data.d' and write to
     'fort.44' in the current directory.  If the environment variables
     'datad' and 'fort44' are set, e.g.:

        % setenv datad mydata
        % setenv fort44 myout

     in the C shell or:

        $ datad=mydata
        $ fort44=myout
        $ export datad fort44

     in the Bourne shell, then the program will read from 'mydata' and
     write to 'myout'.

          An 'open' statement need not specify a file name. If it
     refers to a logical unit that is already open, the 'blank=' and
     'form=' specifiers may be redefined without affecting the current
     file position.  Otherwise, if 'status = "scratch"' is specified,
     a temporary file with a name of the form ``tmp.FXXXXXX'' will be
     opened, and, by default, will be deleted when closed or during
     termination of program execution.

          It is an error to try to open an existing file with 'status
     = "new"'.  It is an error to try to open a nonexistent file with
     'status = "old"'.  By default, 'status = "unknown"' will be as-
     sumed, and a file will be created if necessary.

          By default, files are positioned at their beginning upon
     opening, but see 'fseek'(3f) and 'ioinit'(3f) for alternatives.
     Existing files are never truncated on opening.  Sequentially ac-
     cessed external files are truncated to the current file position
     on 'close', 'backspace' , or 'rewind' only if the last access to
     the file was a write.  An 'endfile' always causes such files to
     be truncated to the current file position.

     2.5.  Format interpretation

          Formats which are in format statements are parsed by the
     compiler; formats in 'read', 'write' , and 'print' statements are
     parsed during execution by the I/O library.  Upper as well as
     lower case characters are recognized in format statements and all
     the alphabetic arguments to the I/O library routines.

          If the external representation of a datum is too large for
     the field width specified, the specified field is filled with as-
     terisks (*).  On 'Ew.dEe' output, the exponent field will be
     filled with asterisks if the exponent representation is too
     large.  This will only happen if ``e'' is zero.

          On output, a real value that is truly zero will display as
     ``0.'' to distinguish it from a very small non-zero value.  If
     this causes problems for other input systems, the 'BZ' edit
     descriptor may be used to cause the field following the decimal
     point to be filled with zero's.

          Non-destructive tabbing is implemented for both internal and
     external formatted I/O.  Tabbing left or right on output does not
     affect previously written portions of a record.  Tabbing right on
     output causes unwritten portions of a record to be filled with
     blanks.  Tabbing right off the end of an input logical record is
     an error.  Tabbing left beyond the beginning of an input logical
     record leaves the input pointer at the beginning of the record.
     The format specifier 'T' must be followed by a positive non-zero
     number.  If it is not, it will have a different meaning (see sec-
     tion 3.1).

          Tabbing left requires seek ability on the logical unit.
     Therefore it is not allowed in I/O to a terminal or pipe.  Like-
     wise, nondestructive tabbing in either direction is possible only
     on a unit that can seek. Otherwise tabbing right or spacing with
     'X' will write blanks on the output.

     2.6.  List directed output

          In formatting list directed output, the I/O system tries to
     prevent output lines longer than 80 characters.  Each external
     datum will be separated by two spaces.  List-directed output of
     'complex' values includes an appropriate comma.  List-directed
     output distinguishes between 'real' and 'double precision' values
     and formats them differently.  Output of a character string that
     includes ``\n'' is interpreted reasonably by the output system.

     2.7.  I/O errors

          If I/O errors are not trapped by the user's program an ap-
     propriate error message will be written to ``stderr'' before
     aborting.  An error number will be printed in ``[ ]'' along with
     a brief error message showing the logical unit and I/O state.
     Error numbers < 100 refer to UNIX errors, and are described in
     the introduction to chapter 2 of the UNIX Programmer's Manual.
     Error numbers >_ 100 come from the I/O library, and are described
     on-line in "help f77 io_err_msgs".  For internal I/O, part of the
     string will be printed with ``|'' at the current position in the
     string.  For external I/O, part of the current record will be
     displayed if the error was caused during reading from a file that
     can backspace.

     3.  Non-``ANSI Standard'' extensions

          Several extensions have been added to the I/O system to pro-
     vide for functions omitted or poorly defined in the standard.
     Programmers should be aware that these are non-portable.

     3.1.  Format specifiers

          'B' is an acceptable edit control specifier. It causes re-
     turn to the default mode of blank interpretation.  This is con-
     sistent with 'S' which returns to default sign control.

          'P' by itself is equivalent to '0P'.  It resets the scale
     factor to the default value, 0.

          The form of the 'Ew.dEe' format specifier has been extended
     to 'D' also.  The form 'Ew.d.e' is allowed but is not standard.
     The ``e'' field specifies the minimum number of digits or spaces
     in the exponent field on output.  If the value of the exponent is
     too large, the exponent notation 'e' or 'd' will be dropped from
     the output to allow one more character position.  If this is
     still not adequate, the ``e'' field will be filled with asterisks
	(*).  The default value for ``e'' is 2.

          An additional form of tab control specification has been ad-
     ded.  The ANSI standard forms 'TRn', 'TLn', and 'Tn' are support-
     ed where 'n' is a positive non-zero number.  If 'T' or 'nT' is
     specified, tabbing will be to the next (or n-th) 8-column tab
     stop.  Thus columns of alphanumerics can be lined up without

          A format control specifier has been added to suppress the
     newline at the end of the last record of a formatted sequential
     write. The specifier is a dollar sign ($). It is constrained by
     the same rules as the colon (:). It is used typically for console
     prompts.  For example:

           write (*, "('enter value for x: ',$)")
           read (*,*) x

          Radices other than 10 can be specified for formatted integer
     I/O conversion. The specifier is patterned after 'P', the scale
     factor for floating point conversion. It remains in effect until
     another radix is specified or format interpretation is complete.
     The specifier is defined as '[n]R' where 2 <_ n <_ 36. If 'n' is
     omitted, the default decimal radix is restored.

          The format specifier 'Om.n' may be used for an octal conver-
     sion; it is equivalent to '8R,Im.n,10R'.  Similarly, 'Zm.n' is
     equivalent to '16R,Im.n,10R' and may be used for an hexadecimal

          In conjunction with the above, a sign control specifier has
     been added to cause integer values to be interpreted as unsigned
     during output conversion. The specifier is 'SU' and remains in
     effect until another sign control specifier is encountered, or
     format interpretation is complete.  Radix and ``unsigned''
     specifiers could be used to format a hexadecimal dump, as fol-

     2000  format ( SU, 8Z10.8 )

     (Note: Unsigned integer values greater than (2**31 - 1), can be
     read and written using SU.  However they can not be used in com-
     putations because Fortran uses signed arithmetic and such values
     appear to the arithmetic unit as negative numbers.)

     3.2.  Print files

          The ANSI standard is ambiguous regarding the definition of a
     ``print'' file.  Since UNIX has no default ``print'' file, an ad-
     ditional 'form=' specifier is now recognized in the 'open' state-
     ment.  Specifying 'form = 'print'' implies 'formatted' and en-
     ables vertical format control for that logical unit (see section
     2.3).  Vertical format control is interpreted only on sequential
     formatted writes to a ``print'' file.

          The 'inquire' statement will return 'print' in the 'form='
     string variable for logical units opened as ``print'' files.  It
     will return -1 for the unit number of an unconnected file.

          If a logical unit is already open, an 'open' statement in-
     cluding the 'form=' option or the 'blank=' option will do nothing
     but re-define those options.  This instance of the 'open' state-
     ment need not include the file name, and must not include a file
     name if 'unit=' refers to a standard input or output.  Therefore,
     to re-define the standard output as a ``print'' file, use:

           open (unit=6, form='print')

     3.3.  Scratch files

          A 'close' statement with 'status = "keep"' may be specified
     for temporary files.  This is the default for all other files.
     Remember to get the scratch file's real name, using 'inquire', if
     you want to re-open it later.

     3.4.  List directed I/O

          List directed read has been modified to allow tab characters
     wherever blanks are allowed.  It also allows input of a string
     not enclosed in quotes.  The string must not start with a digit
     or quote, and can not contain any separators ( ``,'', ``/'',
     blank or tab ).  A newline will terminate the string unless es-
     caped with \.  Any string not meeting the above restrictions must
     be enclosed in quotes (`` " '' or `` ' '').

          Internal list-directed I/O has been implemented. During
     internal list reads, bytes are consumed until the iolist is sa-
     tisfied, or the ``end-of-file'' is reached.  During internal list
     writes, records are filled until the iolist is satisfied.  The
     length of an internal array element should be at least 20 bytes
     to avoid logical record overflow when writing double precision
     values.  Internal list read was implemented to make command line
     decoding easier.  Internal list write should be avoided.

     4.  Running older programs

          Traditional Fortran environments usually assume carriage
     control on all logical units, usually interpret blank spaces on
     input as ``0''s, and often provide attachment of global file
     names to logical units at run time.  There are several routines
     in the I/O library to provide these functions.

     4.1.  Traditional unit control parameters

          If a program reads and writes only units 5 and 6, then in-
     cluding '-lI66' in the f77 command will cause carriage control to
     be interpreted on output and cause blanks to be zeros on input
     without further modification of the program.  If this is not ade-
     quate, the routine 'ioinit'(3f) can be called to specify control
     parameters separately, including whether files should be posi-
     tioned at their beginning or end upon opening.

     4.2.  Ioinit()

          'Ioinit'(3f) can be used to attach logical units to specific
     files at run time, and to set global parameters for the I/O sys-
     tem.  It will look for names of a user specified form in the en-
     vironment and open the corresponding logical unit for 'sequential
     formatted' I/O.  Names must be of the form 'PREFIXnn' where 'PRE-
     FIX' is specified in the call to 'ioinit' and 'nn' is the logical
     unit to be opened. Unit numbers < 10 must include the leading

          'Ioinit' should prove adequate for most programs as written.
     However, it is written in Fortran-77 specifically so that it may
     serve as an example for similar user-supplied routines.  A copy
     may be retrieved by ``ar x /usr/lib/libU77.a ioinit.f''.  See
     section 2.4 for another way to override program file names
     through environment variables.

     5.  Magnetic tape I/O

          Because the I/O library uses stdio buffering, reading or
     writing magnetic tapes should be done with great caution, or
     avoided if possible.  A set of routines has been provided to read
     and write arbitrary sized buffers to or from tape directly. The
     buffer must be a 'character' object.  'Internal' I/O can be used
     to fill or interpret the buffer.  These routines do not use nor-
     mal Fortran I/O processing and do not obey Fortran I/O rules.
     See 'topen'(3f).

     6.  Caveat Programmer

          The I/O library is extremely complex yet we believe there
     are few bugs left.  We've tried to make the system as correct as
     possible according to the ANSI X3.9-1978 document and keep it
     compatible with the UNIX file system.

                      Exceptions to the ANSI Standard

          A few exceptions to the ANSI standard remain.

     1) Vertical format control

          The ``+'' carriage control specifier is not fully implement-
     ed (see section 2.3).  It would be difficult to implement it
     correctly and still provide UNIX file I/O.

          Furthermore, the carriage control implementation is asym-
     metrical.  A file written with carriage control interpretation
     can not be read again with the same characters in column 1.

          An alternative to interpreting carriage control internally
     is to run the output file through a ``Fortran output filter'' be-
     fore printing. This filter could recognize a much broader range
     of carriage control and include terminal dependent processing.
     One such filter is 'fpr'(1).

     2) Default files

          Files created by default use of 'rewind' or 'endfile' state-
     ments are opened for 'sequential formatted' access. There is no
     way to redefine such a file to allow 'direct' or 'unformatted'

     3) Lower case strings

          It is not clear if the ANSI standard requires internally
     generated strings to be upper case or not.  As currently written,
     the 'inquire' statement will return lower case strings for any
     alphanumeric data.

     4) Exponent representation on Ew.dEe output

          If the field width for the exponent is too small, the stan-
     dard allows dropping the exponent character but only if the ex-
     ponent is > 99. This system does not enforce that restriction.
     Further, the standard implies that the entire field, `w', should
     be filled with asterisks if the exponent can not be displayed.
     This system fills only the exponent field in the above case since
     that is more diagnostic.


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